L.hesperus babies! Help please.


Apr 21, 2016
2 weeks ago I caught 2 adult female L.hesperus in New Mexico. They both gave me eggsacs and I extracted the eggs and put them in a new container. They just hatched last night and I don't know what to do because I didn't expect them to hatch to quick. I am planning to let them cannibalize a bit. Should I give them a quick mist for moisture? Apologies if I spelled words wrong as I'm typing this on my phone because I got my computer taken from me and my phone is only with me for a limited time to do homework for summer school lol.


Old Timer
Jun 27, 2010
Make sure the container they are in has NO ventilation holes. The hatchlings can easily slip through screen or even the tiniest air holes. When I have babies, I keep them in deli cups with the plastic and fabric tops that I use with fruit fly cultures or in clear plastic water/juice/soda bottles with the lid screwed on tight. They don't need a lot of oxygen - what's in there will last them for a long time. Just make sure the bottle is dry so the bottle doesn't become steamy inside. They do not need supplemental water. If you mist them, it will become too humid in the enclosure. They can get all the water they need from their prey - which, at this time, is each other. It is fine to let them cannibalize each other. I do the same. They are predators and need to kill something to eat. You have an overabundance of baby spiders. Problem solved. When the population gets down to more manageable levels, then you can start dropping in fruit flies or baby crickets.


Apr 21, 2016
Thanks. I made sure the container I put the eggsacs in was practically airtight. I am hoping they won't cannibalize too much haha since Latrodectus hesperus in my specific area are nonexistent and I have no means of transportation haha. Thanks for the tips. :)


Apr 21, 2016
I threw in a fly yesterday and when I checked on it today, the fly was flat lol. The babies apparently swarmed it at night or something xD

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Saw a plain and simply nifty way of keeping slings at my Entolmogist friend the other day. The cover of the containment was two pieces of bed sheet. Each covering about 2/3rds of the opening so there was an 1 inch overlap. The sheet allows sufficient air for slings or most small insects.
The containers were slightly flexible plastic. The sheet hot glued to the container. Want to stick in some food, the container flexes slightly letting you shove the food in through the overlap.

He built about 20 of these containers in a few minutes while I watched. Place two squares of sheet on a flat surface with an overlap. Place the jars upside down on the pieces. Then hot glue the entire perimeter. Then upright and trim off the excess sheet.

I'm going to cross post this on the terrariums forum.
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