Just took delivery of my 3/4 " Mexican Red Knee


Old Timer
May 20, 2009
I've not been a member of this website long, but long enough to notice that all of you tarantula-philes use the fancy latin terminologies for your pets, so I should probably announce my first first tarantula, a Brachypelma smithi, but I don't feel I've paid my dues yet, so I'm going to stick with MRK for now. Anyway, all of the care sheets, etc, say the MRK is terrestrial and slow - well folks, I think somebody sent me the wrong spider, because this one climbs all over the lid of the container, and can scamper across the substrate like a thoroughbred. Makes me nervous to handle her, which was one of the reasons I chose her to begin with (I say "her" out of wishful thinking - I don't know this for sure). Anyway, I had to practically spoon-feed her, but she finally ate her first cricket last Saturday night, so I'm relieved to know she's getting her protein. I was surprised that there were no cricket remains, like she ate the whole thing, exo-skeleton and all - I thought tarantalas liquified the innards and sucked them out of the shell, but what do I know? (Your comments are welcome) ....


Old Timer
Apr 24, 2009
I've not been a member of this website long, but long enough to notice that all of you tarantula-philes use the fancy latin terminologies for your pets, so I should probably announce my first first tarantula, a Brachypelma smithi, but I don't feel I've paid my dues yet, so I'm going to stick with MRK for now. Anyway, all of the care sheets, etc, say the MRK is terrestrial and slow - well folks, I think somebody sent me the wrong spider, because this one climbs all over the lid of the container, and can scamper across the substrate like a thoroughbred. Makes me nervous to handle her, which was one of the reasons I chose her to begin with (I say "her" out of wishful thinking - I don't know this for sure). Anyway, I had to practically spoon-feed her, but she finally ate her first cricket last Saturday night, so I'm relieved to know she's getting her protein. I was surprised that there were no cricket remains, like she ate the whole thing, exo-skeleton and all - I thought tarantalas liquified the innards and sucked them out of the shell, but what do I know? (Your comments are welcome) ....
how long ago did you get *her*? *she* could be adjusting and you shouldnt handle *her* until *she* calms down, so that maybe why *she* is quick. As for climbing, my B. vagans does that im not too worried about it. just make sure *she* doesnt have too high of a enclosure so *she* cant fall and hurt *her*self lol (hows that for wishful thinking? ;P )


Old Timer
May 20, 2009
Thanks Triggerman - I've only had "her" since last Thursday - not long enough, huh? How long should I give "her" to adjust? Also, thanks for the advice, I'll add more substrate to narrow the climbing distance. (And how soon will I be able to tell whether Jill is actually John, do you think?)
p.s. had to look it up - so you have a Mexican Red Rump .. cool!



Old Timer
Apr 13, 2009
First off, congrats on your MRK ;) . I used to have a couple as slings and they were fun to raise. They tended to be a bit unpredictable in terms of behavior, though. Like you, I had read that they were pretty docile...but their mood swings were high and low. I did find that they tended to chill out more with every molt. With regards to feeding, you've basically got the whole idea spot-on, but rather than sucking the innards OUT of the shell, what they do is chew the whole mess up into a ball called a bolus (another of those fancy words :} ) and suck that as dry as they can. What you'll end up with is a small ball which will sometimes be the same color as the substrate. Of course, though, the bigger the prey item, the bigger the bolus left behind.

Sexing your T will get easier as it gets bigger. You could either ventrally sex them or sex by looking at their cast skin (exuvia). Here are some links that should help you:


There's also a great section in this forum on sexing tarantulas; great place to practice.

Have fun with your new T! :D


Old Timer
May 20, 2009
Hey Spiderfield, thanks for the great info ... and now I even know what a bolus is, and how to spell it !
:clap: Killy


Old Timer
Apr 13, 2009
haha, no prob! But I should warn you (if no one has already), if this is your first tarantula it most likely won't be your only one. As you read up more and more and build up an appreciation for them you'll definitely want to get more...it can get pretty addicting! :}


Old Timer
May 26, 2009
listen to spiderfield! i just got my A. versicolor the 29th of may and am now in the prosess of buying my second T! new T is a GBB

congrats on getting your MRK!!


Old Timer
May 20, 2009
LOL .. thanks gang - well, you're right about the first not being the last - I also have my sights on a Chaco Gold-Knee (sorry, a Grammastola aureostriatum - and yes, I had to look that up), but I haven't made a connection on that one yet ... HOWEVER ... I do plan to make that the limit once I get one.

Just curious, since we're on the subject - how many of these lovelies do y'all have?


Old Timer
May 26, 2009
i sent money for the GBB(Green Bottle Blue if your wondering what GBB means) last night so by this friday i should have a new T which will bring my collection of Ts to 2

i have heard(and may be wrong will have to search up info again) that Chaco Gold-Knee is a pretty docile T species(sp?).


Old Timer
Dec 9, 2008
haha yeah, there really is no ceiling on the # of T's you think you will one day own. i said 4, now i'm at 7, now i'm saying no more until i move, etc...

and yes, chacos are great! very docile and pretty:)


Old Timer
May 20, 2009
LOL - okay guys, I know you're laughing at me when I say I'm limiting to two - but even if I ultimately defy my own limitation, I doubt seriously I'll make it past 3, surely not 7, and 33? They might just as well put me in a critter keeper and feed ME crickets.

That said, I have to admit that the more I delve into this tarantula world, the more seductive it becomes. I never knew there were so many species, let alone the fabulous colors. Plus just today I received (through Amazon) a copy of "Tarantulas and Other Animals" by Samuel Marshall, and according to him Brachythelma Smithi (see, now you've got me doing it!) doesn't grow into adult size for 7 years, and I don't know if I'll be around that long :eek: So I may need a couple more just to keep me company while I babysit the MRK!

Furthermore, it NEVER occurred to me how many "like me" (like youse guys, for instance) are out there. This website is awesome. It's like, "I am not alone !!!" HAH! Not by a long shot, if the member list is any indication!

So you're probably right. All bets are off.