I've not been a member of this website long, but long enough to notice that all of you tarantula-philes use the fancy latin terminologies for your pets, so I should probably announce my first first tarantula, a Brachypelma smithi, but I don't feel I've paid my dues yet, so I'm going to stick with MRK for now. Anyway, all of the care sheets, etc, say the MRK is terrestrial and slow - well folks, I think somebody sent me the wrong spider, because this one climbs all over the lid of the container, and can scamper across the substrate like a thoroughbred. Makes me nervous to handle her, which was one of the reasons I chose her to begin with (I say "her" out of wishful thinking - I don't know this for sure). Anyway, I had to practically spoon-feed her, but she finally ate her first cricket last Saturday night, so I'm relieved to know she's getting her protein. I was surprised that there were no cricket remains, like she ate the whole thing, exo-skeleton and all - I thought tarantalas liquified the innards and sucked them out of the shell, but what do I know? (Your comments are welcome) ....