Just Thinking


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
Even though captive bred reptiles will technically always be wild animals its so crazy to see how much they change throughout the weeks,months then years after you handle them respectfully on a regular basis.

Because you get to know certain postures that mean leave them alone along with noises, puffing up the body and etc.

Today i was holding my female boa (from the recently shed post) and i remember the day she came from the breeder not happy at all nippy as ever.

Now I can hold her without worrying about being nipped (unless of course i smell like mice/rats but then that would be my own fault).

Then its like once the snake or other reptile gets accustomed to you (this only works with tokay geckos A SMALL amount of the time) they are very wonderful to have as pets and a great enjoyment. i love all my reptiles.

This i just a reflection thats all not asking a question or anything.


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2008
Even WCs can calm down and be tame, enjoyable pets. Although, with the many potential problems they can come with, I have always steered clear of them and made sure to get CB or CBB only.

I also think it is cool how you can kinda develop a relationship with a reptile. You get to know them, they get to know you and a trust relationship takes place. It's neat to watch the relationship grow the longer you have the reptile.

With my honduran milksnake, she musked on me everytime I tried to hold her when I first got her. This went on for a few weeks, and then she stopped, but would still be squirmy. After a couple months, she was calm as could be, adn still is to this day. However, it took her a year and a half before she would let anyone else hold her without peeing all over their front side...lol.


Old Timer
Feb 19, 2008
Actually with some species I would argue that they aren't real wild animals. Especially Balls, Boas and corns. There has been so much inbreeding that I have noticed for example that corns in the wild are much more aggressive then freshly born, unhandled cbs. Boas except for Corralus are nippy as babies but even unhandled aren't as aggressive as adults, it is just a boid thing for some reason. Luckily humans can intervene against nature and tame these fascinating animals if they aren't already docile, wild or captive born because unlike arachnids they do have the mental capacity to relax after we work continuously with them. This works with Tokays ALL the time if you're the right person. Tokays in my experience are one of the smarter herps. Mine always soil the same unused corner and they grow quite accustom to people. My findings with a pair show that there is evidence that they can actually differenciate between different people. Fascinating.
Anyway, very insightful post.


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2008
Boas except for Corralus are nippy as babies but even unhandled aren't as aggressive as adults, it is just a boid thing for some reason.
My experience has always been opposite. Most boas are born fairly friendly, and continue to be through adulthood. Corallus may or may not require work on behalf of the owner, but left unhandled, will probably become a little more moody. Any snake needs to be handled to develop a trustworthy relationship, where they feel comfortable being held, knowing you aren't a threat. Otherwise, their actions could become more unpredictable.


Old Timer
Feb 19, 2008
Hmm. That is odd. I recently went through imported boas of all sizes. Only the babies bit me. Except for Corralus which are all aggressive. I agree handling does make a relationship. It takes real work with some herps for whatever reason.


Old Timer
Sep 22, 2008
well i dont have much to say other than i do agree that will work you can for a trusting bond with snakes, thats for sure. but i want to know this.....why is it that people i have always talked to with tokay geckos say there freaking MEAN? i have never held one nor been around one for that matter....i was going to buy one but decided against a 10 inch "untameable" lizard(the seller said they were untameable) so are they really that mean? are they acually tameable? they are beautiful for sure! but i want something i can handle and a tokay is about the only gecko id ever buy....alo how bad is their bite? or is there bark bigger(dont they bark?)


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2006
I think all my WCs besides my rough greens and coachwhips have been nippy or full on aggressive. I remember catching a Texas rat juve. He would just curl around my hand and bite any available flesh he could find {D and the same goes for the racers I've caught in the past.


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2008
Hmm. That is odd. I recently went through imported boas of all sizes. Only the babies bit me. Except for Corralus which are all aggressive. I agree handling does make a relationship. It takes real work with some herps for whatever reason.
Maybe I misread your post? Are you saying that babies or adults are more aggressive? But, imports are likely to be nippy no matter what it is (specie, age, or otherwise), especially if they're fresh. Corallus species are more high-strung, so are more likely to be nippy, but not always. For instance, Emerald Tree Boas can be super docile with minimal handling (10 minutes per week) and Amazon Tree Boas "can" be docile, but require more work when young than any other snake I know of to get that way, but others of the same specie are just born tame. Each snake is an individual and can be different than the norm.


Old Timer
Feb 19, 2008
i want to know this.....why is it that people i have always talked to with tokay geckos say there freaking MEAN? i have never held one nor been around one for that matter....i was going to buy one but decided against a 10 inch "untameable" lizard(the seller said they were untameable) so are they really that mean? are they acually tameable? they are beautiful for sure! but i want something i can handle and a tokay is about the only gecko id ever buy....alo how bad is their bite? or is there bark bigger(dont they bark?)
Tokays do generally have a spectacularly unsavory demeanor when they are fresh imports or even unhandled cb offspring. They will bark and keep their mouths open in a threatening posture. They will also bite if you are a few inches from them. If you can form a bond and take a few minutes out of your schedule every few days to handle it then it will probably be docile. Tokays are beautiful animals, that is why I wanted to keep them. I was repeled for some time by their reputation but they aren't bad if you take time with them. Their bite is not bad and a 10 inch specimen usually doesn't draw blood unless you fling your hand around and cause them to stay on in a vice like grip. When they bite, try not to react at all. This can be hard. Just be gentle and remember that they will not bite what does not move.