just set up a breeding container for crickets. any suggestions on how to increase offspring?

Louise E. Rothstein

Old Timer
Feb 10, 2005
just set up a breeding container for crickets.

Healthy crickets don't "stink." However,they do need DRY shelter,DRY substrate,and DRY food. I also use living (and organic) cabbage stems (I rehydrate them in clean,shallow water until they are ready for my banana bugs); and/or an equally healthy (and organic) African violet leaf (that I handle in the same way as the cabbage stems) in order to supply my crickets with moisture without ever having to smell the totally FILTHY water that crickets tend to generate whenever they "forget" not to drown in it.

I use moist,DEEP vermiculite for breeding them.
Vermiculite is odorless; and the females' instincts direct them to emplace eggs farther down than the males dig.

If a DEAD cricket DOES start to stink...I just take it out.
My isopods (and my woodland "fruit" flies) know what to do.

If you HATE to handle DEAD crickets you might use a pair of forceps.
I do use my forceps for such things...they are very handy.

P.S. Crickets can SING...and roaches can't.

P.P.S. I breed both.


May 22, 2007
I was just wondering about roaches. I have never fed my T's or scorps roaches, but i was thinking about starting a clony. What are good roaches to breed for feeders. My wife hates roaches so they would have to be flightless and a species that doesnt grow too too big. Any feed back would be greatly appreciated.


Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
I've got some crix going again. A lot of diff ways people are doing it here. I feed them Tetra fish flakes, packaged salad mix I buy from a grocery store that sells organic and a piece of apple, banana or potato for their water source. They seem to get enough water from the salad mix anyway though. A tip on the fish flakes ...where I buy them, the can of "big" flakes and the can of regular sized flakes are the same price. But the can of "big" flakes weighs less so you'd be getting more for you money if you buy the other. I'm slowly getting in the habit of looking at weight and price, it works when it comes to saving a little $. They try to fool you with packaging and marketing, ..those son of a diddlys!


Old Timer
Aug 12, 2006
I was just wondering about roaches. I have never fed my T's or scorps roaches, but i was thinking about starting a clony. What are good roaches to breed for feeders. My wife hates roaches so they would have to be flightless and a species that doesnt grow too too big. Any feed back would be greatly appreciated.

Try B.dubia. They look more like big rollie-polies than anything else (until the boys get non-functional wings) and they don't climb glass or fly. ;) Also they don't get very large; 1-2". ;)


Old Timer
Feb 9, 2008
Hey Louise, is vermiculite the styrofoam balls? Do you moisten it?