i have 1,very cool t they web alot i mean alot they like it humid/semimoist substrate,waterdish,cork hide,fairly deep substrate. they are alittle aggressive,not a cuddling t hope this helps alittle,i have an all black chilobrachys sp. also which likes it very moist,i believe most of them are rainforest sp.
I just picked up a huahini sling not long ago. The breeder said to keep it just like i'd keep a H. lividum. The vial it came in was set up nicely, some dirt at the bottom and the rest of the vial filled almost to the top with sphagnum moss (the kind that still looks like a plant, not peat moss decomposed to where it's almost soil). The sling has a whole network of burrows in the moss and it absorbs water nicely too for keeping slingy moist. I imagine that at rehousing time it will make things easier too since i can pull all the moss out without hurting the t.
That dealer was J and S, by the way. (<--mad props to Joe)
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