Jumping Spider Moments

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
A thread dedicated to these sporks and the wonderfully weird things they do. I hope many people can contribute here with lots of pictures.

A most recent of mine. Feet up on a low table, typing away. Something tickles my foot. Itty bitty jumper climbing Mt. Everest. I shoo it off.
Tickle again. Shoo off. Move foot. 10 minutes later... again? SHOO! Put feet on floor.
Half hour later it appears on the top of my monitor and stares at me. A few minutes later I put my feet up. A minute later, tickle again. I allow it to ascend to the summit of my big toe. It stands on it's back legs and holds it's front legs high in the air: 'TADA! MADE IT!'
I grab the camera and just as I start to focus it jumps off and goes about it's business. Sigh.


Jul 29, 2016
Was swimming with my daughter one day and there was a Phiddipus audax trying to escape the pool. Tossed it out and it turned and looked right at me. It lifted one leg as is to wave, "thanks!" We said, "Bye, little spider!" And it turned around to give us one last look before it wandered off.


Nov 5, 2014
Feeding my jumper slings fruit flies today, one of the smaller ones bolted for a daring escape! Once on the table it lifted both front arms and waved them as if to say "freedom! freedoomm!!" After letting it wander for a bit and watching it groom its eyes with its tiny palps (a behavior I think is super cute) I scooped it back into its enclosure where it eagerly tackled a fruit fly in a loving embrace.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Right now out on the porch roof. Tiny little jumpster. Youngster just coming up to speed? AHA! Oh nuts, an ant. AHA. Oh. AHA!! Nuts! AHA. What's with all these ants? THERE... nope. AHA!!! Ack. Ant.
It is still at it. I hope an appropriate bug comes along before it works itself into a nervous decline.