Jumpers - interesting observation

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
A baby jumper happened to land on a sheet of graph paper... this sound like the start of a bad joke... but anyway. Thanks to the grid on the paper the spider was ~ 1.5 mm LOA. It jumped, several times, and I coerced it to stay on the paper. It's best effort leaps were right at 75 mm.

I played around with a little math. A 6 foot tall human stands on the goal line of a football pitch/field and makes a standing broad jump to land on the opposite end goal line.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Jumper: 1.5 mm. x 50 = 75 mm. So it jumps 50 times it's LOA. 6 foot person x 50 = 300 ft. 300 ft = 100 yards.


Apr 17, 2019
Figured I’d add to your post in the spirit of observation if that’s ok. I think my P regius is learning. Or just a coincidence?
3 weeks ago i put a deli cup with some lateralis nymphs inside her enclosure. It took roughly 3 hours for her to figure out how to get at them.
Last week it took here about 45 min. Today I set a timer and it within 2 min she was in the cup, another min and she pounced.

I wonder if she’s starting to associate the cup with food? Thoughts? Suggestions for another experiment?
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The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
I think my P regius is learning.
Mnemonic pathways. Interesting reading: https://www.khanacademy.org/science/biology/human-biology/neuron-nervous-system/a/the-synapse

A perfect example is my ruined brain doing sight recognition and a series of synapses fire:
Jumper remembers->Mnemonics->article on crow learning ability->synapses exist in all brains->synaptic retention.
What would be interesting is making the trip to the food more and more complex, observing how synapses get retrained through trial and error.

Here's one for pondering: we only utilize about 10-15% of our brain cells. So why have all those extras?
Synapses are memory storage just like your hard drives in a computer. But unlike computer memory, when the brain hard drive becomes scrambled eggs super, you can't just format it and install a new operating system. So your brain hard drive is slightly larger than a computer hard drive; up around several million Yottabytes*, giving it plenty of room to store important stuff and just plain weirdness like remembering how to spell the word mnemonic.

*kilobyte, megabytes, terabye, petabyte, exabyte, zettabyte, yottabyte and recalling all that dusty furniture triggered Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune and depending on your school or religion, sometimes Pluto for some bizarre reason only my synapses could explain because training of the synapses is unique to each brain.

PS Bonus question: Alcohol suppresses spontaneous neurological responses. So how many centillion synapses of the entire human population fail to fire each second thanks to the consumption of beer? Maybe we should narrow that down to just the greater Milwaukee area. ∞ -1 is not a comfortable place to travel to.
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