Isopod references


Feb 1, 2020
SCHMALFUSS, H. (2000a): The terrestrial isopods (Oniscidea) of Greece. 20th contribution Genus Leptotrichus (Porcellionidae)

SCHMALFUSS, H. (2003a): Terrestrial isopods (Crustacea Isopoda) from the Caucasus region. 5. Cylisticus Schnitzler, Parcylisticus Verhoeff, Cylisticoides n. gen.

SCHMALFUSS, H. (2005): The terrestrial isopods (Isopoda Oniscidea) of Greece. 21st contribution Genus Schizidium (Armadillidiidae)

SCHMALFUSS, H. (2005): The terrestrial isopods (Isopoda Oniscidea) of Greece. 22nd contribution Genus Monocyphoniscus (Trichoniscidae)

SCHMALFUSS, H. (2005): Utopioniscus kuehni n. gen., n. sp. (Isopoda Oniscidea Synocheta) from submarine caves in Sardinia

SCHMALFUSS, H. (2008): The Terrestrial Isopod genus Schizidium (Systematics, Distribution, Morphology) (in two parts)

SCHMALFUSS, H., PARAGAMIAN, K. & SFENTHOURAKIS, S. (2004): The terrestrial isopods (Isopoda Oniscidea) of Crete and the surrounding islands

SFENTHOURAKIS, S. (1993a): Terrestrial isopods (Crustacea Oniscidea) from the remote Greek island Antikithira and its surrounding islets


Feb 1, 2020
ARAUJO, P. & LEISTIKOW, A. (1999): Philosciids with pleopodal lungs from Brazil, with descriptions of a new species (Crustacea, Isopoda) (available here)

ARCANGELI, A. (1934a): Nuovi contributi alla conoscenza della fauna delle isoleell'Egeo. III. Isopodi terrestri

ARCANGELI, A. (1950b): Exploration du Parc National Albert, Mission H. DAMAS, fascicule 15, Isopodi terrestri (available here)

ARGANO, R. & MANICASTRI, C. (1996): Gli isopodi terrestri delle piccole isole circumsarde (Crustacea, Oniscidea)

CARUSO, D. & BOUCHON, D. (2011): Armadillidium virgo n. sp. from caves in southeastern Sicily Is it a parthenogenetic species (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea)

CRUZ-SUAREZ, A. (1993): El género Armadillidium Brandt, 1833 en la Península Ibérica y Baleares (Isopoda, Oniscidea, Armadillidiidae)

GARCIA, L. (2003): Armadillidium cruzi sp. n. (Isopoda Oniscidea Armadillidiidae), un nuevo isópodo terrestre de la isla de Mallorca (Islas Baleares, Mediterráneo Occidental)

GONGALSKY, K. B. (2017): new species of Trachelipus Budde-Lund, 1908 (Isopoda Oniscidea Trachelipodidae) from the Utrish Nature Reserve, northwestern Caucasus

SCHMALFUSS, H. (1989e): Armadillidium fallax Brandt, 1833 Redescription, synonymy, distribution (Crustacea, Isopoda, Armadillidiidae)

SFENTHOURAKIS, S., ANASTASIOU, I. & STRUTENSCHI, T. (2005): Altitudinal Terrestrial Isopod Diversity


Old Timer
Nov 25, 2011
Thank you for continuing to share all these fantastic resources. I'm going to have to sit down and do some reading soon.


Feb 1, 2020
ANDREEV, S. (1997): Contribution à l'étude des isopodes terrestres de Grèce. 6. Cordioniscus kalimnosi n. sp. (Isopoda Oniscidea Styloniscidae)

BORUTZKY, E. (1939): [Contribution to the knowledge of terrestrial isopods of USSR. I. Cylisticus orientalis sp.n.] [in Russian]

BORUTZKY, E. (1969a): Psachonethes czerkessicus gen. et sp. n. (Isopoda terrestria) from caves of the West Transcaucasus [Russian with English summary]

BORUTZKY, E. (1969b): A new family Turanoniscidae fam. n. (Isopoda, Oniscoidea) from termitaria of Middle Asia [Russian with English summary]

BORUTZKY, E. (1976a): A new genus and species of the family Porcellionidae Verhoeff, 1918 (Isopoda, Oniscoidea) [Russian with English summary]

BORUTZKY, E. (1976b): New data concerning the genus Platyarthrus Brandt (Isopoda, Oniscoidea) in the fauna of the USSR [Russian with English summary]

CIFUENTES, J. (2020): Descripción de una nueva especie de isópodo terrestre, Porcellio veraensis n. sp. de la provincia de Cáceres (España) (Oniscidea, Porcellionidae)

DALENS, H. (1977b): Le mâle de Leptotrichus (Atlantotrichus) leptotrichoides (Arcangeli)(Isopoda Oniscoidea)

DALENS, H. (1977c): Sur un nouveau genre de Trichoniscidae, Balearonethes sesrodesanus n. g., n. sp. (Isopoda, Oniscoïdea)

FERENTI, S. COVACIU-MARKOV, S.-D. & CUPSA, D. (2016): First record of Banatoniscus karbani after its description


Feb 1, 2020
BORUTZKY, E. (1954): Novyj vid roda Hemilepistus (Isopoda terrestria) iz vostochnogo Kazachstana

BORUTZKY, E. (1955a): Novyj vid Ligidium (Isopoda terrestria) iz sredney Asii

MENZIES, R. (1950): Notes on California isopods of the genus Armadilloniscus, with the description of Armadilloniscus coronacapitalis n. sp.

MOREIRA, C. (1932): Crustacés isopodes terrestres du Brêsil

SCHMALFUSS, H. (1975a): Morphologie, Funktion und Evolution der Tergithöcker bei Landisopoden (Oniscoidea, Isopoda, Crustacea)

SCHMALFUSS, H. (1977b): Morphologie und Funktion der tergalen Längsrippen bei Landisopoden

SCHOTTE, M. & HEARD, R. (1991): Studies on the Crustacea of the Turks and Caicos Islands, British West Indies. II. Armadilloniscus steptus, n. sp. from Pine Cay

STROUHAL, H. (1958b): Neue südostalpine Trichoniscus-Arten aus Österreich (Isopoda, Oniscoidea)

STROUHAL, H. (1968a): Eine neue, vorderasiatische Bathytropa-Art (Oniscoidea, Oniscidae, Bathytropinae)

VANDEL, A. (1972g): Les isopodes terrestres de la Colombie


Feb 1, 2020
BORUTZKY, E. (1948a): K faune rodnikowych Isopoda Sredney Asii

BORUTZKY, E. (1949): [Tauronethes lebedinskyi gen. nov. et sp. nov. (Isopoda terrestria) from a cave on Crimea] [in Russian]

BORUTZKY, E. (1951): K faune nazemnyh ravnonogih rakov Azerbaidzhana

BORUTZKY, E. (1953): K faune mokritz Tadzhikistana

BORUTZKY, E. (1955b): Mokritzy sobranje v jugo-zapadnoi Turkmenii v 1951 g

BORUTZKY, E. (1961a): K faune mokritz (Crustacea ; Isopoda terrestria) Turkmenii

BORUTZKY, E. (1967): New genus Pseudobuddelundiella gen. n. and its position in the superfamily Trichoniscoidea (Isopoda terrestria) [Russian with English summary]

BORUTZKY, E. (1970): On the subgenus Parcylisticus Verhoeff 1943 (Isopoda Oniscoidea, Cylisticidae) [Russian with English summary]

BORUTZKY, E. (1973): The cavernicolous wood-lice fauna (Isopoda terrestria) of the Georgian SSR. The family Buddelundiellidae Verhoeff, 1930 [Russian with English summary]

JACKSON, H. (1928a): The morphology of the isopod head. Part II. The terrestrial isopods
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Feb 1, 2020
Borutzky (1966) Caucasoligidium

Borutzky (1976) Ligidium tschatcalicum

BORUTZKY, E. (1948b): Nazemnyje Isopoda peshcher Kavkasa i Kryma. II

BORUTZKY, E. (1957): Terrestrial isopods in the south-east of the European part of the USSR [Russian with English summary]

BORUTZKY, E. (1959): Materials on the fauna of terrestrial isopods (Isopoda terrestria) in the Kirghiz SSR [Russian with English summary]

BORUTZKY, E. (1961b): Novje i maloisvestnyje vidy roda Cylisticus (Isopoda terrestria) SSSR

BORUTZKY, E. (1969a): Psachonethes czerkessicus gen. et sp. n. (Isopoda terrestria) from caves of the West Transcaucasus [Russian with English summary]

BORUTZKY, E. (1972b): [List of holotypes of Isopoda Oniscoidea in the zoological Museum of the University of Moscow]. [in Russian]

BORUTZKY, E. (1974): New genera and species of terrestrial Isopoda (Trichoniscidae) from caves of the Georgian SSR [Russian with English summary]

BORUTZKY, E. (1977b): New species of the genus Trichoniscus (Crustacea, Isopoda) from Caucasian caves [Russian with English summary]


Feb 1, 2020
Borutzky (1976) Trachelipus

BORUTZKY, E. (1972a): [Isopoda Oniscoidea of the caves on the Black Sea coast in the district Krasnodar] [in Russian] (in two parts)

BORUTZKY, E. (1977a): New species of the genus Cylisticus (Isopoda, Oniscoidea, Cylisticidae) [Russian with English summary] (in two parts)

BORUTZKY, E. (1978a): [The genus Desertoniscus Verhoeff, 1930]. [in Russian] (in two parts)

PAOLETTI, M. & STINNER, B. (1989): Two new terrestrial Isopoda from coralline cays of Venezuela‘s Caribbean coast

STROUHAL, H. (1934a): Stark gehöckerte und bestachelte Armadillidiidae (in two parts)


Feb 1, 2020
BORUTZKY, E. (1945): Fauna mokritz Turkmenii i sopredelnich oblastei Srednei Asii (in two parts)

BORUTZKY, E. (1950): Nazemnyje Isopoda peshcher Kavkaza i Kryma. I. Sem. Ligiidae (in two parts)

BORUTZKY, E. (1958): Soil wood-lice of the genus Hemilepistus (biology and systematics) [Russian with English summary] (in two parts)

BORUTZKY, E. (1962): Fauna of terrestrial isopods in the caves of the Crimea in zoogeographical aspect [Russian with English summary] (in two parts)

BORUTZKY, E. (1975): New species of the genus Protrachoniscus (Isopoda, Oniscoidea) [Russian with English summary] (in two parts)


Feb 1, 2020
BORUTZKY, E. (1978b): [Systematics and ecology of the desert isopod subgenus Hemilepistus s. str. Budde-Lund, 1885 (Isopoda, Porcellionidae)] [in Russian] (in four parts)

VERHOEFF, K. (1928b): Isopoden aus Formosa (in three parts)