Is this enough for lychas mucronatus? Or its too big?

Arthroworld Indonesia

May 28, 2022
20x 20x 20cm should be enough for 8 or so, as Lychas mucronatus is a very calm species of scorpion.

But—there are issues in your current enclosure, namely:

— No bark
As a bark-living scorpion they will avoid the ground and instead favor bark, that is used for climbimg and hiding. The container should therefore contain several upright pieces of bark to offer a bigger walking area and several niches for hiding in.

Bamboo does not fulfill this niche, nor does sticks and stones.

— No lid
This creates opportunity for the Scorpions to escape. It is best not to take risks when dealing with arthropods.

It also allows greater humidity loss which isn’t good when dealing with L. Mucronatus, who need higher humidity—so investing in a lid would be good.

I can’t give anymore feedback as I can’t see into the cage well enough haha, so that’s all from me for now.


Apr 29, 2022
20x 20x 20cm seharusnya cukup untuk 8 atau lebih, karena Lychas mucronatus adalah spesies kalajengking yang sangat tenang.

Namun—ada masalah di enklosur Anda saat ini, yaitu:

- Tidak ada kulit kayu
Sebagai kalajengking yang hidup di kulit kayu, mereka akan menghindari tanah dan lebih menyukai kulit kayu, yang digunakan untuk memanjat dan bersembunyi. Oleh karena itu, wadah harus berisi beberapa potongan kulit kayu tegak untuk menawarkan area berjalan yang lebih besar dan beberapa relung untuk bersembunyi.

Bambu tidak memenuhi ceruk ini, begitu pula tongkat dan batu.

- Tanpa tutup
Ini menciptakan peluang bagi Kalajengking untuk melarikan diri. Yang terbaik adalah tidak mengambil risiko ketika berhadapan dengan arthropoda.

Ini juga memungkinkan hilangnya kelembapan yang lebih besar yang tidak baik saat berhadapan dengan L. Mucronatus, yang membutuhkan kelembapan lebih tinggi—jadi berinvestasi dalam penutup akan lebih baik.

Saya tidak bisa memberikan masukan lagi karena saya tidak bisa melihat ke dalam kandang dengan cukup baik haha, jadi itu saja dari saya untuk saat ini.
20x 20x 20cm should be enough for 8 or so, as Lychas mucronatus is a very calm species of scorpion.

But—there are issues in your current enclosure, namely:

— No bark
As a bark-living scorpion they will avoid the ground and instead favor bark, that is used for climbimg and hiding. The container should therefore contain several upright pieces of bark to offer a bigger walking area and several niches for hiding in.

Bamboo does not fulfill this niche, nor does sticks and stones.

— No lid
This creates opportunity for the Scorpions to escape. It is best not to take risks when dealing with arthropods.

It also allows greater humidity loss which isn’t good when dealing with L. Mucronatus, who need higher humidity—so investing in a lid would be good.

I can’t give anymore feedback as I can’t see into the cage well enough haha, so that’s all from me for now.
allright, i'll do my best


Apr 29, 2022
20x 20x 20cm should be enough for 8 or so, as Lychas mucronatus is a very calm species of scorpion.

But—there are issues in your current enclosure, namely:

— No bark
As a bark-living scorpion they will avoid the ground and instead favor bark, that is used for climbimg and hiding. The container should therefore contain several upright pieces of bark to offer a bigger walking area and several niches for hiding in.

Bamboo does not fulfill this niche, nor does sticks and stones.

— No lid
This creates opportunity for the Scorpions to escape. It is best not to take risks when dealing with arthropods.

It also allows greater humidity loss which isn’t good when dealing with L. Mucronatus, who need higher humidity—so investing in a lid would be good.

I can’t give anymore feedback as I can’t see into the cage well enough haha, so that’s all from me for now.
Thanks for the advice