I got this wild centipede last night after I heard that it bit my brother. I think it was hurt by my family due to panic. I decided to take care of it. Last night it was still active. I think it's a Scolopendra subspinipes judging from its appearance and nativity. Now it's just laying on the surface and it would sometimes move it's arms or pulsate if I knock on the table where its container is placed. But sometimes it would also pulsate by itself. Being a wild caught, I'm not sure if it has eaten but I tried giving it raw pork meat earlier this morning (now it's 4 PM here), but it only tried to eat it for a few seconds (I don't have crickets for it yet). Its first 2 body segments are also very soft compared to the others (the one near its head). Is it dying or molting?
I started a different post earlier today about how inactive my new centipede has been.
I started a different post earlier today about how inactive my new centipede has been.