Is My Amblypygi Dead?

Albireo Wulfbooper

Aug 1, 2019
I keep my medius in a similar style enclosure and I have the top completely covered in aluminum foil. Just the vents in the front suffice, other than when I remove the lid to add food or water. If I even see her with her face near the substrate I know it's too dry.

After your critter recovers you may want to turn your bark towards the covered back or cover the side behind the bark so there's a dark spot to hide in. All my Amblypygi abhor light.

Also they can't grow without moulting.
I do not believe this animal is going to recover - I’m reasonably certain it was already dead before this thread was posted. I’d love to be wrong.


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 31, 2012
This morning I found my tailless whip scorpion in the same position he was last night. Now, I know they're often sluggish and lazy during the day, mine is, but last night when I was spraying his terrarium he arched his legs up a little like he was about to stand, but then stayed there. For the rest of the night he just moved is anntenaiform around a bit. His unchanging position isn't what I'm scared of, it's that when I went to poke at his legs he didn't move. He hates being touched most of the time and will move him leg after the second or third time you touch him. He's never done anything like this before. The crickets I just bought started randomly dying, could they have been sick and my bug ate a couple, so is now suffering the effects? It's cold where I live right now, could he have died from wrong temperature in his habitat? Has he gone into a chill coma, and if so, will he come back? I'm really scared he's dead. Could anyone help me?
How is your animal doing now with properly moist substrate? Any improvements?


Nov 17, 2021
Thank you for the help and input, all.

I keep my medius in a similar style enclosure and I have the top completely covered in aluminum foil. Just the vents in the front suffice, other than when I remove the lid to add food or water. If I even see her with her face near the substrate I know it's too dry.

After your critter recovers you may want to turn your bark towards the covered back or cover the side behind the bark so there's a dark spot to hide in. All my Amblypygi abhor light.

Also they can't grow without moulting.
Noted. The aluminum foil thing is a great idea. I’ll try that.