Introduce Yourself


May 9, 2021
Hello, my name's Gem 🙂 just wanted to say a quick hello as I'm new here and finding my way around still.


May 11, 2021
How’s it going everyone!! My name is Guadalupe but, I go by Lupe. I’m 24 year old guy was looking for some advice about my T. And I started looking around to find some help. I found this page and decided to register everyone definitely has great advice for anything. And I read into the forums but I couldn’t find anything in particular about this so my tarantula buried itself which is perfectly normal. I have a Costa Rican stripe knee he’s about 3inches at the moment. So he might be wanting to molt but before he buried himself I had thrown a hornworm thinking he might be hungry. Then the next day he buried himself I freaked out but looked into it on here. Should I be worried about the hornworm? If he is preparing to molt? I’m also from the Bay Area. Forgot to mention!!

Mister Sunshine

May 11, 2021

I’m Andrew, I’m currently a Junior getting my bachelor’s degree in Biodiversity and Conservation at Brigham Young University. I’ve always loved almost all arthropods but have had a particular affinity for arachnids. I hope to specialize in pseudoscorpions in my career but I am still looking at my options. I just caught three spiders that I want to start taking care of (hopefully the first of many!) so I figured I’d join this site!


May 11, 2021
Hey guys! The name is Aspyn! I have been a lover of the creepy crawlies for as long as I can remember. These are the pretties that I have now:
Heteroscodra Maculata
Grammostola Rose
Pelinobius Muticus
Avicularia Avicularia
Therophosa Stirmi
Phidippus Audax
My pretties that have crossed the webbed bridge include:
Aphonopelma Seemanni
Cyriopagopus Lividum
Caribena Versicolor

I hope to get some questions answered and to have fun talking about my pretties with like minded people. Thanks for taking the time to read my bio!


May 14, 2021
Hello everyone! My name is Josh and I am 31 years old. A little bit late to the party but I spent a large portion of my life (like most people I assume) being terribly afraid of arachnids. I finally chose to overcome that fear years ago but never thought I would keep a tarantula one day! My very first arachnid is a C. veriscolor. She (hopefully) is at about 1/2 inch currently. I found Arachnoboards from a google search and lurked for awhile reading the information before deciding to join. This place is amazing and everyone seems to be friendly so far. I look forward to being an active member and meeting other tarantula keepers!


May 7, 2021
Hello! I’m Hieroglyph, and I’m from the Pacific Northwest region. Newbie to invertebrate keeping.

I don’t have any invertebrates yet, but I’m just about done setting up an enclosure for Madagascar hissing cockroaches, and I also recently started setting up an enclosure for medicinal leeches (Hirudo verbana).

As for other pets, I have two cats.

I’m excited to be here and learn new things along the way!


May 13, 2021
Hi guys! I'm obviously new here to the forums, but also new in a special kind of way in that I am in the process of recovering from lifelong arachnophobia. Having a crippling fear of spiders, while also harbouring a cautious long distance fascination with them has been extremely frustrating and it's something I've been set on remedying.

A couple years ago these dueling emotions came to a head when I discovered Maratus volans on reddit and fell utterly in love with the males and their risky dances of seduction.

From there I started spotting the tiny iridescent Venusta Orchard Spiders in various gardens and falling further in love. Also finding adoration from a distance in the small super fuzzy regal jumping spiders. I once kept a female black widow I found after chopping down a tree in front of my house several autumns ago, because I feared it would come inside during winter and my cats would eat her. I named her Scarlet Johansson.

When it comes to other spiders like wolves, huntsmen, a majority of tarantulas, and some orbweavers, however, I seize with terror and it feels like an iron hand squeezing and shaking the top of my spine.

This year I've started watching a few YouTube channels (Tarantula Kat, Exotics Lair, and The Dark Den) and its helping a bit more. Hopefully this forum can aid me further, I found it while seeking out some velvet worms, hah.

Anyway, some other things about me: I'm a latina from The United States, and I enjoy reading (horror, history, weird stuff), sketching, strategical and open world/immersive games, ornithology and anthropology (what I went to uni for), herpetology, entomology, gemstone cutting, and collecting/restoring small viking/medieval/renaissance antiquities.

Sorry for the long winded introduction!


Apr 29, 2021
Hi guys! I'm obviously new here to the forums, but also new in a special kind of way in that I am in the process of recovering from lifelong arachnophobia. Having a crippling fear of spiders, while also harbouring a cautious long distance fascination with them has been extremely frustrating and it's something I've been set on remedying.

A couple years ago these dueling emotions came to a head when I discovered Maratus volans on reddit and fell utterly in love with the males and their risky dances of seduction.

From there I started spotting the tiny iridescent Venusta Orchard Spiders in various gardens and falling further in love. Also finding adoration from a distance in the small super fuzzy regal jumping spiders. I once kept a female black widow I found after chopping down a tree in front of my house several autumns ago, because I feared it would come inside during winter and my cats would eat her. I named her Scarlet Johansson.

When it comes to other spiders like wolves, huntsmen, a majority of tarantulas, and some orbweavers, however, I seize with terror and it feels like an iron hand squeezing and shaking the top of my spine.

This year I've started watching a few YouTube channels (Tarantula Kat, Exotics Lair, and The Dark Den) and its helping a bit more. Hopefully this forum can aid me further, I found it while seeking out some velvet worms, hah.

Anyway, some other things about me: I'm a latina from The United States, and I enjoy reading (horror, history, weird stuff), sketching, strategical and open world/immersive games, ornithology and anthropology (what I went to uni for), herpetology, entomology, gemstone cutting, and collecting/restoring small viking/medieval/renaissance antiquities.

Sorry for the long winded introduction!
Welcome! I used to have a fear of larger spiders too, but I found that the more I observed them, the more they grew on me! Royal and bold jumpers are also a favorite of mine.


Apr 7, 2021
Hello everyone! I'm new to both the hobby and the forum! I've got my first T 3 months ago and now I have 11 different species. I do need a lot of information and I've been experimenting on building enclosures and trying different setups.



Jan 1, 2021
hi everyone ım Yetkin from Turkey 17yo ı've been in the hobby now for 6 months ı own 7 tarantulas (p.tigrinawesseli, p.regalis, s.calceatum, p.murinus, h.maculata, l.parahybana, g.pulchripes) far as ı know for now two of them are females they names are Nyla and Azula ım here because hobby is a bit backward in my country because its illegal so ı cant found everythink in our forums and thats how thinks are.. nice to meet you all


Malleus Aranearum
Staff member
Mar 7, 2012
Hi guys! I'm obviously new here to the forums, but also new in a special kind of way in that I am in the process of recovering from lifelong arachnophobia. Having a crippling fear of spiders, while also harbouring a cautious long distance fascination with them has been extremely frustrating and it's something I've been set on remedying.
Welcome! You are in good company; there are many members who became fascinated by spiders during their recovery from arachnophobia.


May 22, 2021
Hi all,

I'm Nocebo and I'm based in Madrid, Spain.

I have two cats, a boa, a carpet python (morelia spilota harrisoni) and, since three weeks ago, I'm also the proud owner of my first two Ts, a gbb and a B. boehmei.

Happy to join and looking forward to learn a lot about these amazing animals. :D


May 20, 2021
Hello everyone, I’m a novice t keeper to be from Winnipeg, Canada.

I have learned a lot from my quick stay here and I look to learn more. I would love to know more about local stuff going on, so definitely say hi if you’re from my area.

Will request access to canadian forum soon.



Old Timer
Jul 3, 2012
Hey, I used to be on this forum yearsssss ago as Biollantefan54, sadly I couldn’t log into my old account because I don’t use that email anymore, so I had to make a new one. Anyways, I wanted to come back to post some spiders that I find now that I have better equipment. I used to post in a thread of things I would find outside but my pics weren’t that great lol. Anyways, hey everyone! I wonder if anyone I remember is still here.


May 24, 2021
Hey everyone! I unfortunately won't be getting my first tarantula anytime soon, but I'm doing all the research and resource collecting I can in the mean time. I have my heart set on either a Brachypelma hamorii or Aphonopelma seemanni when the time comes. :bigtears: I have a birthday in July, but I doubt I can convince the household to come around to the idea of allowing me to get one as a birthday gift. :lol:

I guess something worth mentioning is that I'm also part of the crowd that has long dealt with severe arachnophobia (legitimate panic attacks and such just from the sight of any whether it's in person/on a screen/etc.), but have been in a kind of longish process of desensitizing and educating myself about them. It feels very rewarding and a relief that I can now just let house spiders chill and leave to do their own thing without being extremely anxious to the point of not being able to sleep. Anyway, long story short, I've come to really respect and admire tarantulas especially, and realized how great of a fit they are for me as a pet!


May 28, 2021
Hello there! The name is Angel! I've used the forum as reference for awhile so I'm not new to the forum on that note though I've finally joined!


May 31, 2021
Hello Y'all,
Thanks for the add! New to this bug stuff.:) My interest stems from a news feed I read yesterday. Specifically, on Damon variegatus. Did the google thing and here I am. I've watched videos, and the creatures are awesome. Plus, the wife will be able to tolerate them in my office (with the door securely LOCKED!). Well, I'll get busy searching the forums for what I seek. I don't know what to call these things, hell, as I'm a herpetologist.:D