Introduce Yourself

C L Coles

Jan 25, 2007


I joined recently to get information and see what's going on in the spider world. I don't have any spiders yet as i'm still doing research. I've kept lizards a while ago, but found it hard to get crickets (quite a while ago). Now it seems that it is much easier to get information and supplies for invertibrates and reptiles, so I decided to investigate these animals. I've always liked spiders and think that, like bats and snakes, they are an underappreciated group of animals. I'm interested in tarantulas and plan to buy online. I've posted on the Canadian board regarding online dealers of equipment and animals as I don't deal with pet stores. Any experiences or suggestions are welcome!


Jan 30, 2007

Whut up?!
Got my first tarantula about 1 month ago(G. rosea-aka Charmane). Thats when I became obsessed. Seems like I live and breath tarantula's now. I got my second T about a week ago(P. regalis-aka Valentina). Charmane is about 1 1/2 years, Valentina is in her 4th instar. I know this is nothing compared to most but I already know what i want and the list keeps growing. I would like to make a spider room before i get to crazy but will probably get 4more in the near future. Charmane has been very interesting to say the least. Her crazy behaviors had me worried at first but the more I research the more I find out that all this is normal for her species. Anyway..really like this forum alot. Looking forward to learning from everyone hear and sharing my experience also.


Jan 30, 2007
Hello From Me :)

Hello i would like to introduce my self my name is Jayson 29/M from Oregon. I have had T's in the past but i got out of the hobby ( i know i was crazy) LoL but now i'm back and thought i would hang out here if that is ok? :) right now i have a Mexican red knee (Brachypelma smithi) and am thinking about picking up a Brazilian salmon pink birdeater (Lasiodora parahybana) tomorrow from the pet shop. my other hobbys include webdesign ( so if anybody needs help with there sites let me know i would be glad to help) working on my car and slapping my kids around LoL J/K well thats about it hope to talkto you guys soon :)


Jun 6, 2006
Hello My name is Thomas St.George and I live here in San Antonio , Texas and i am into just about everything. With the help from my friend Bobby I have a pretty nice collection now. Always been a Ball python guy and now i have about 30 T'S in my snake room. I am sure i will meet some of you at Arachnocon 07!! Take care Thomas


Old Timer
Dec 13, 2006
Hello, I am Jack Stewart Gatti I'am 14 years old turning 15 may 1, um Im Italian/Canadian, was born Montreal,Canada im gonna move to Romania though im sorda new to Tarantula I bought my Rose Hair like 2 weeks before Christmas Day, Mines molted 2 weeks ago so now you know me lol:D


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2007
its me

my names marc. kept a few Ts some years ago, grew up with pets of anything that moved. grew up in new mexico so as you can guess I had a lot of interesting pets. recently got the lil lady to give me the ok for Ts and I didnt waste any time. now Im in colorado. not a lot of stores out here that stock anything other than your big rosies though.
of course a rosie
h. lividum
p. murinus
p. irminia

Poecilotheria striata
Holothele incei
and Cyriopagopus sp Blue
coming when the weather warms a little
true spiders I have a robertsi (love watching her take food)


Oct 29, 2006

Hey all,

Posted once or twice, wanted to introduce myself, name's Lou, from Johannesburg, SA. New to the site, but been keeping for about a year now. Favourite's gotta be a Brachypelma Smithi / Emilia and Avicularia Versicolor, got a breeding pair together at the moment, hoping to get a good sac real quick....also some of our unique local ones gotta be mentioned...Ceratogyrus and Harpactira...really adds some variety!

Hope to see more of those great collections on the site...


Feb 1, 2007
My First T from Scott's

I live in Arizona and we have a lot of Ts outside the city in the deserts. I was always intrigued with them but never kept a native wild one. The ones I've handled seemed to enjoy walking on my hand and arm. Seems that they are intrigued by your body heat and the different textures on your skin and clothes. I just ordered a chaco golden knee from Scott's Tarantulas. He delivers more than he promises. Packed well, arrived quickly, seems very healthy. Named it Blondie. I think the golden knee is one of the best to have. It is gentle and actually seems to like to be handled. Some of them do, some don't. They become more active after 6 PM. My room temperature right now is about 68 deg, just a little bit cool for a T, and when Blondie has been on my hand a minute or two, she seems to warm up and wants to walk around on my hand and arm. 10-20 minutes later I will carefully :D get her on the end of my finger and place her back into the tank's bottom, and sometimes she crawls back up my finger to run around some more! She has eaten a few crickets, but apparently made friends with one very large pregnant cricket, I caught them sleeping together all day under the moss! :D I'm going to enjoy her.


May 9, 2003
phoenixhippie, I'm sorry to tell you, but you need to do some serious research on keeping tarantulas. You are so off the mainstream of knowledge, its not even funny. Please do your research.

daniel s.

Feb 1, 2007
Hi there,

I'm from Nashville and my name is Daniel, but my friends call me Dan. I'm currently finishing my degree in business management, and I'm working part time. I got my first tarantula some months ago and was searching for more info on how to properly care for it, and stumbled upon this awesome website!!! I never knew there were soooo many different species out there. I think I have a rose hair aka grammostola rosea but not sure if it's male or female?:( How can I find out how to sex it?

I'm very excited to be here and talk with y'all!:)



Old Timer
Dec 13, 2006
Excuse me, what in the %$#&* are you talking about??
I think he means don't let the cricket and Chaco Golden Knee warm up together. Crickets are extremely nasty customers whom have devoured people's smaller Ts before if kept together unsupervised. How large is your Chaco? If it a subadult or adult, there is probably no reason to be concerned unless your Chaco is in premolt.


Feb 1, 2007
That's what he probably meant, yes, but I have a big problem with people making assumptions. He doesn't know me, I don't know him, but he gets on here and implies that I'm ignorant about tarantulas. For all he knows, I could have a PhD. in Entomology. I sure as heck don't know what he has his degrees in. That's the problem with these boards. Yes, I did my research. Yes, I have books on the care of tarantulas. Yes, I have read many websites about tarantulas and their care. I have handled dozens of wild tarantulas, usually rescuing them from neighbor's homes and garages as well as my own. I pick them up, put them in a container and release them far into the desert. Ignorant people would call an exterminator. BTW, some of those people moved here from Canada...People that have lived here a long time know that the Ts are pretty harmless. Yes, I know that large crickets can harm small tarantulas. Yes, I know they should not have crickets around at all when they molt. Yes, I know the prey has to be sized at ~ 50% of the size of the T. Yes, my Ts are big enough to handle themselves around any size cricket. Yes, I know enough to take uneaten ones out of the tank...geez, anything else? Is he afraid I might damage the hobby or something?


Old Timer
Feb 10, 2003
I think what Brian most likely meant was that you repeatedly claimed the T's seemed to "like" being handled. T's don't enjoy being handled anymore than you would like having a giant pick you up. If a person handles a T, it's strictly because the human wishes to do so, the T experiences no enjoyment from it at all.


Feb 4, 2007
Hello. I'm new this group. I look forward to meeting and learning from other arachnophiles. I'm in Northern California, and have a modest collection of inverts and other critters. Cya round!


Feb 1, 2007
Why don't we let "Brian" jump in here and tell us what he meant instead of guessing? And how does an expert determine whether a T likes to be handled or not? Are you just repeating something that was stated by an expert? What method of mind reading are you using on your T to determine this?


Old Timer
Jun 14, 2005
And how does an expert determine whether a T likes to be handled or not? Are you just repeating something that was stated by an expert? What method of mind reading are you using on your T to determine this?
The best evidence for it is the fact that their brains aren't large or complex enough to have emotions such as happiness, therefore being handled does not make your T happy, as they can't experience happiness. Tarantulas are purely instinctual creatures, they don't have likes and dislikes other than having what they need to survive, I.E. food, water and the correct temperature.


Feb 5, 2007
Hey! I'm Candace with a Zebra T and a Rose Hair T

Hey everyone! my name is Candace and i'm new here to arachnoboards but already i'm addicted to the site. Anyways, I was referred here by Andy83, so far he has been my tarantula mentor. The first tarantula that I bought, yesterday, was a Rose Hair T that I bought from PetCo. Unfortunately it is too young to be sexed. I really hope its not a male but either way I love it. The second T I bought, yesterday, was a Zebra T from Nicaragua. I also bought this one from PetCo. I'm excited about the two different tank set ups that are required for these two. On the one hand I have a desert T and on the other I have a rain forest T.

I am a big pet person. I have a colony of hermit crabs, a colony of fiddler crabs, 8 different tropical fish that I keep in a 55 gal, 2 apple snails, 1 beta, 2 cats (Chief and Dante), a sweet gold fish that has his own 20L, and my newest edition, the T's.

I put the Zebra T in a 10gal because they are fast and tend to be "skittish" so I wanted him to have enough room to freak out, haha.

The Rose Hair is in one of those large critter cages, but this is temporary. I gave him english ground up nut, which is very much like sand. He also has one of those logs to hide under, and of course the infamous water dish. I've only had him for one day and already he is starting a small web at the entrance of the log.

I haven't fed them yet because I want them to get used to their new surroundings, but I am looking forward to it.

I'm honestly surprised about my new found love of T's. Even though they sit around most of the time, they are still very pretty and interesting to look at and study. Which I must say, I wish there was more to learn about them.

I spent all day yesterday researching T's and I didn't find much information that didn't repeat the same thing. I guess that's why I like this site....people post some random things about their pet T's which I find interesting.


I have an exam I have to start studying for, sorry for writing a book.



Feb 6, 2007
Hello Arachnofans. I'm new and my name is Sarah. I'm 20 and go to Clemson University in upstate SC where I'm majoring in biology and minoring in entomology. I only have 2 tarantulas at the moment, though I have owned many over the years. I purchased Clawdia, my Brachypelma Smithi, when I was 11 and she is still with me and ready to mate. Also ready to mate is my male Haplopelma lividum, Waltraud, who I got this summer. If your tarantula wants to get it on with my tarantula let me know and we can arrange a date for them. I just stumbled on this little community and I'm looking forward to being a part of it and I already want to comment on the current topic.
I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed PhoenixHippie's tarantula/cricket story. Whether or not tarantulas experience emotion is irrelevant. The fact is, they fulfill some sort of need that we have and so applying human characteristics is only natural. I like to think that my tarantulas like me.
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Old Timer
Jan 25, 2007
Hi everyone. I´m a 35 year old dog trainer from Brazil and I became adicted last july when I bought my first Slings. After that I bought 3 other juvelines and some other Slings. Right now I have:
1 Lasiodora Klugi - 15 cm
1 Brachypelma smithi - 11 cm
1 Poecilotheria rufilata - 14 cm
2 Lasiodoras parahybana - 5 cm
1 Vitalius longisternalis - 2,5 cm
1 Vitalius roseus - 5 cm
1 Aviculária metallica - 5 cm
2 Brachypelma albopilosum - 5 cm
I´ve been visiting brazilian fórums but this a hole lot better. Still I´ve learned about arachnoboards through them so they are very usefull :)
I´m sorry for the measurements in cm :D and any grammar mistakes , this is not my native language. I´m very pleased to became part os this amazing forum. {D Contratulations!!!