Information about Chinese EarthTigers


Old Timer
Nov 2, 2002
:p I was wondering if perhaps Haploman or Joy or one of the other knowledgeable people on the forum could offer some information about H.schmidti or the Chinese Earth Tiger - I have a beautiful 7 inch female specimen that I am lavishing what I hope is the optimum care on her....I previously had a a large 8 and a half inch specimen over a year ago and I lost her to what appeared to be keeping her in improper cold and too dry.The specimen that I was lucky enough to find that I have now I am keeping at about 80-82 degrees and humid...perhaps 80% humidity - she appears to be thriving and out of my collection of 23 tarantulas she is my favorite.A very aggressive/defensive spider and very solidly built - her legs are very heavy and sturdy looking and she has a beautiful subdued coloration of gold and black.I was interested in having more concrete information on this genus as I have heard wild tales about Chinese Earth Tigers and their reputed venom toxicity...I have a fondness for the Haplopelmas rather like Haploman...these are such beautiful and sinister spiders.My Earthtiger at this moment is on her tip toes feeding on a pinky mouse that she pounced on this is warm and dark in my invert room and lit by the smoky light of candles and the heat lamp that I use to keep my inverts looks totally wicked cool in their...heeheehee...anyways I look forward to getting some good info on this species;)

The Evil Spider Hunter


Old Timer
Aug 25, 2002
you rang lol

80- 85 is good during the day but during the night drop the temperature to 75, the humidity should be around 75-85 percent and always keep the dish full of water. onething that I seen on your post that has me bewildered you use candles to light your invert room??? if so the smoke from the candle could be toxic to the T's or any invert in that room, not so much the wax but the smoke from the wick I know for a fact that some candles are now found to be carcinogenic "cancerous"to people , also I see you use a heat lamp using a heat lamp could dry out the room of any humidity unless you spray your cages every 2 days btw I use a ceramic heater but I do always spray every other day to keep the humidity up in room thats goin to change soon as soon as I buy a portable electric oil radiator then put a big pot of water on top to send humidity in the room its in runs around 39.95 at Lowes


Old Timer
Nov 10, 2002
Are they guys different from the Malaysian Earth Tiger or the same?