Importing Tarantula(s)?


Old Timer
Jan 31, 2010
i dont have one there
im renting one for a month..
Therefore if i find one which is of highly doubt i will look into importing it back, its not like if i find one no matter what im bringing it back because
if stuff were that easy there would be endless problems.. i will just keep it at the Condo for a temp pet and then release it

and again, i doubt ill find one because i have never herd of Beach Tarantulas!

its just something i hope to do, (not importing tarantulas) BUT looking for specimens in their natural habitat

since the permit is hard to come by quickly, ill try getting one for next year but for the meantime ill just take pictures...... and why not handle them a bit :S
So you think it's alright to remove a creature from its home for a month? You'll just cause unneeded stress on the T. Leave them alone. Take pictures all you want, but there is no point in taking any from their habitat for YOUR benefit.


Arachnoboards Team
Staff member
Jan 11, 2004
Admin Note:


Seriously, everyone who wishes to reply in here either needs to help the OP gain information on how to LEGALLY go about this or don't post in here at all.

Did everyone miss this? Pay attention all, posts will be removed and infractions WILL be handed out! I'm not kidding.



Old Timer
Sep 11, 2008
I did check with an FWS officer I know.

It is illegal to take, possess or export from Puerto Rico.

There have been some recent arrests and prosecutions, and some of the violations included the collecting of tarantulas.

Since it's illegal to take or posses, crossing the border into the US would up the ante into a Lacey Act violation.


Sep 27, 2011
Those are entirely the incorrect people to talk to. And when you say "if I were successful" then at that point you are already talking about too late to get permits. IF you were really thinking of doing this and not smuggling as you keep suggesting then you would have to have this all planned out LONG before even bought your plane ticket. Permits are very very slow to come by. It took 1.5 years to get a permit from Jamaica, 8 months from the Dominican republic, failed to happen ever from Mexico, 1 year for Columbia and this all with a .gov credentials and for dead, dried, preserved material from nothing rare or noteworthy or protected, and that was just for moving the specimens... collecting them required a whole other set of permits.

You don't go somewhere, find something and say "hey, I should have this, where's that form again?" You have to know what you are after already, you have to include that information in the permits- that's what they are, permission to collect X species, not a free pass on all things you might fancy when you get there- which you must get before you even leave the country (and that means BOTH country of origin and destination). And so you know, doing paperwork for five tarantulas is equally as pointless as doing it for five. If you are doing paper work, you need to be thinking 100. Permits aren't just handed out willy-nilly, there's a reason why they exist and while the laws are sometimes arcane and are not necessarily functioning the way they were framed the point is that they are there to protect the environment, industry, and wildlife and with those three things in mind it makes a few souvenir pets seem very petty and unimportant in the grand scheme, which is why you will likely never get a permit anyway. It's obvious you don't understand the system which absolutely precludes you from ever getting permits for anything period, let alone something like a Mexican species of tarantula which are already hot-button organisms.

I can just imagine you walking up to customs with your box of tarantulas saying "hey I got lucky and found FIVE, not just one, and I want to make them my pets. Where's the line where I sign for the permits before I hop on the plane?"

Your input helps and all but the negativeness is not necessary. I'm not going some where to say "hey, should I have this, where is it from again?" I knew what I was looking for, I signified it in my post. If you didn't read it well, I said an A. Laeta. This species is from Puerto Rico so how is this a mexican species? I will never get a permit to do this? If I cared just a little bit more, I'd make it my duty to go and get a permit and email it to you just for kicks. I obviously don't understand the system which is ultimately going to stop me from ever getting permits? Right. Says the one who thinks an A. Laeta is a mexican species. I obviously don't know about the "system" you caught me there! That's why I'm on this forum asking about it!!!


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
Lol Frost, you're so far off-base it's not even funny (yes, I realize the irony in that sentence for those of you who caught it).

1) I'm pretty sure Tarac was using Mexico as an example, since I don't see anywhere in his post where he indicated that you were going to Mexico.
2) I'm also pretty sure that since he was using Mexico as an example (see above), that he wasn't actually suggesting A. laeta (lowercase "L") comes from Mexico.
3) It's ironic that you make sarcastic comments about Tarac not reading your posts, since you seem to be the one who didn't properly read his.
4) Did you see the part Tarac says they don't just hand out permits to anyone wanting one? Did you read where it's mentioned that you'd most likely not get one if only wanting to collect a few individuals, that you would need to be collecting higher quantities?
5) Tarac didn't appear to be rude, sarcastic, or 'negative' towards you in that post. I suggest you work on maybe not getting offended so easily.
