I'm a Temporary Opossum Mom!


Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
Tonight my husband and I went to my boss' house to celebrate the successful defense of one of his PhD students. One the way home (literally before even leaving the neighborhood), I saw a freshly-hit, large opossum dead in the road. I got my husband to back the car up and I grabbed a small hand towel out of the car.

The dead opossum was a female and inside her pouch were 4 very young pups. They were attached to the teat (literally still attached) and it took a good it of gentle work to get them free. They were very cold, as the mother had been dead long enough to start stiffening. I balled them in the blanket and let them cling to my hand the whole ride home in an attempt to warm them. Once home, I put their towel in a deep bin and slipped in nitrile gloves filled with warm water under the blanket on each side of them. They're now warm and toasty and crying a lot less.

Don't worry- I was a licensed wildlife rehabilitator for years so I'm well aware of the proper steps for caring for these little ones. I don't have the SQ fluids or kitten formula like I used to, but I will hopefully be able to keep them stable until Piedmont Wildlife Center opens at 9. I'll just be switching out "bottles" and blankets throughout the night... so much for catching up on my sleep! I give them a 50/50 shot at this point. They've definitely improved from when I picked them up, but it's always very tricky when they're this young.

One of the little critters after getting warmed up:

I haven't come across an orphaned mammal in so long since my license expired. It motivates me to get re-trained, even though the protocols and requirements for a small mammal license have gotten a lot tougher (ie, take a lot longer and are much more annoying) than when I first started wildlife rehabilitation.


Old Timer
Jul 19, 2008
Wow kitty thats one of the sweetest things ever.. Good job and good luck with them god bless the young.

Tim Benzedrine

Prankster Possum
Old Timer
Apr 4, 2004
Don't worry- I was a licensed wildlife rehabilitator for years so I'm well aware of the proper steps for caring for these little ones.
Why worry? I'm pretty sure that even if you didn't know beans about rehabilitating, they critters would stand a better chance with you than they did with their 0% chance they had out there on the road.


Old Timer
Mar 2, 2009
Why worry? I'm pretty sure that even if you didn't know beans about rehabilitating, they critters would stand a better chance with you than they did with their 0% chance they had out there on the road.
I so much agree with that statement. What is it everyone here seems to have defend themselves? Especially after saving an animal/creature from certain death, That certain people will complain and moan about what you have done .

Wishing you the best of luck and hope the little ones have a much better future than nature had planed for them


Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
I only mentioned it because LEGALLY no one without a permit is allowed to possess/care for native wildlife here. It was also to make it clear (to the few that may have freaked out) that I am very well-trained in how to care for very young wildlife (and being a vet tech for 5 years and then getting 2 degrees in animal science and physiology don't hurt either!).

The good news is that all four babies made it through the night and I was able to meet up with a local rehabilitator who will take care of them. She's also going to keep me in mind for when baby season hits full swing and she's overwhelmed. Thanks to these little guys, I may jump through the hoops for a renewed license. :)


Old Timer
Aug 23, 2007
Great work, Kitty. I was going to be getting my license here in Arizona but got busy and other things came up, you know the drill. Now however, you have re-inspired me! I am going to make calls tomorrow. The animals I save will have to give you partial credit!

BTW, they are totally darling! Look a a lot like other mammals too. My recent additions of baby ratties in mind. They too are born naked and blind.

I'm sure each state has regs and hoops to jump through but when the life-saving starts it is sooo worth it. I would love to report that I have saved dozens of animals already from raptors to baby bunnies successfully but I'd be admitting to breaking the law now wouldn't I. He he he.

Thanks for the re-newed inspiration! :clap: :clap: :clap: