iguana breeding behavior


Old Timer
Oct 4, 2005
my 3 year old unsexed iguana (I think its a her not sure) has turned orange and bobing its head almost whenever she can..and has not been eatting good for the pass 3 months, but shes active and always trying to get out of the cage, i have a pretty good sized cage for her. I wonder what would get her to eat better again, my room temp is at 75-9 at night and 81-2 during the day and he has a UVB blub and gets to 110 at least , and shes always under it, and I soak her every morning, If this is indeed a normal breeding behavior, how long will it last? i just want herto eat better again..she was always into eatting no matter wut...

Let me know..



Dec 8, 2007

Typically, male igs turn orange but I have seen a few females that color. Breeding for igs typically starts in the fall and males color up and become more aggressive then. It could be yours is just coming into sexual maturity now and acting up.

How big is he/she? Do you have any photos you can post? Has there been any aggression toward you?

The eating less can be breeding related. Males eat less during breeding season and females stop eating before egg laying. Sometimes they will eat less when light cycles are less, which is typical in out winters.

To really narrow it down knowing the sex would be needed. Let us know. Males start to develop fatty deposits on their cheeks and top of head. They also develop enlarged pores on their inner thighs.


Old Timer
May 2, 2008
My rescues have also entered into their spring mating behavior. Since they are all males they are just getting much less personable (aggressive) and try to get to each other through the cages. Fun, fun, fun, this time of the year. And yes that orange coloration can be one symptom of their desire to mate.
If you suspect that you have a female I would advise increasing the amount calcium on the food she is still eating just incase she produces eggs. Lack of extra calcium in the diet can lead to egg induced MBD if she makes eggs. Also I would suggest a box of sterile moist dirt be placed in the enclosure as well as a place for her to lay eggs. If she produces eggs and has no where to to lay them she may suffer Dystocia, become egg bound, then you would need to get her to a vet ASAP or she would die.
As previously suggested it would help if you could post pics of the Femoral Pores on the underside of it’s thighs Male pores will all be large female pores will be small save possibly the first few.

Ghi Reptiles

Old Timer
Apr 10, 2007
It sounds like she is a he from the behavior and color. Almost all of the male green iguanas in my area turn orange in the winter time. Any photos of him?