Identifying A Possible Pre-molt Web (phidippus Regius) ?


Apr 20, 2022

I received my first Phidippus Regius yesterday. When I waked her into the enclosure, she went onto the ridge stick. I know that these spiders take a couple of days to explore and build their web high in the enclosure, but mine hasn’t seemed to have done this? She’s stood in the same spot since yesterday morning after unpacking her and she’s made a beautiful web encased around her.

I just want to double check if this is a nesting web or a pre-molt web? I’ve added the clearest pictures I can to help, so I hope they’re useful!

I could just be worrying too much—first time spider dad n’ all.


Nicole C G

Jun 23, 2021

I received my first Phidippus Regius yesterday. When I waked her into the enclosure, she went onto the ridge stick. I know that these spiders take a couple of days to explore and build their web high in the enclosure, but mine hasn’t seemed to have done this? She’s stood in the same spot since yesterday morning after unpacking her and she’s made a beautiful web encased around her.

I just want to double check if this is a nesting web or a pre-molt web? I’ve added the clearest pictures I can to help, so I hope they’re useful!

I could just be worrying too much—first time spider dad n’ all.
Perfectly normal behavior. Molting web nests can be thick or thin, so there’s no way to tell 100% until it has been in there for a a few days and the exits are sealed. If the exits become sealed and it’s in there a few days, be sure to keep the enclosure’s humidity up.


Apr 18, 2022
My little regal jumper just got done molting and had a nest similar to that so it's a possibility. This is my first time owning a regal myself. My little guy just recently emerged from his nest after being inside for close to week. As Nicole already stated, the nest was sealed.