I hate hairy animals.


Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
It seems that one of our hairier animals (Dog or cat) managed to pick up fleas. We managed to pretty much get rid of them up stairs, but down stairs, where I keep my Ts and I sleep, there's still quite a few of them left. My legs are raw. I refused to spray before, but I'm getting sick of these damned little things.

If I were to go nuts and use as much flea spray as I could find, how long do you think I'd have to wait until my Ts can go back to living down there without risking death?


Old Timer
Feb 22, 2003
Thanks for asking this, I'm in a similar situation myself.

My spiders are in my bed-room though, and that's a no cat zone, but the damn fleas still lurk around,

There's this post on another forum I post at (I post on another forum:O Blasphemy!)

"If it's at all possible, treat your cats with Advantage-can you get it in UK? I lost my first rosehair pretty much from using Frontline plus drops on my cat. I did lots and lots of digging and using the Frontline is what my associate (I work for a vet who does NOT like tarantulas) who is a vet in a nearby large city and I came up with. The same holds true for Revolution-same type of thing. Frontline stays on the cat, is everywhere the cat sheds, and is on you. If you are in the T's tank, moving caves, rocks, etc...does it make sense that you are putting a miniscule amount of that product (kills ticks too--an arachnid) into the direct environment? Absolutely!!!!! I had to switch to Advantage, and now have no problem.
I would think the spray would be the same. Fipronyl (active ingredient) kills ticks...ticks are arachnids...do not use around tarantulas. I work very closely with representatives from the company that makes it, and this is good advice. USE SOMETHING ELSE please."

Copyright to the original poster etc etc


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2003
The only hairy pets I have are chinchillas and they cant get fleas, woohoo. Im not sure on how long you would have to wait though but i think it would be close to a few weeks maybe even a month to be safe.



Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Fipronil kills pretty much everything without a spine, and at very low levels. It's really good stuff, but it's worth taking the precaution of wearing latex gloves when you put it on your dog or cat and then throwing the gloves out like an HIV-contaminated used condom when done.

Then, make a point of washing with soap & water for about 2 days afterwards if you've touched the dog or cat at all and are going near the Ts.


Old Timer
Feb 10, 2003
I didn't even think that there would be danger to Ts by using Frontline on my cats. I think I'll switch to Advantage now.

I did have a thread where fleas got into the organic potting soil I was using. I had to throw that stuff out and switch to another substrate for a little while. I think I'm going to switch again though to peat after my curly hair hardens up after her recent molt. Maybe I wont have the flea problem again.

They are annoying, but I wont give up my 'Peanut', who is sitting in my lap as I write this......