I bought myself a nice centipede from Swifty today....It's a Tanzanian blue ringed or Scolopendra morsitans. It was hungry too....it's working on eating a pinky.
Way to go Pategirl! You made a good choice. S. morsitans is a very cool specie and has great colors too! I have one I have raised from a tiny little guy (1" or so) which is now at about 41/2".
It's awesome isn't it?! I have one that is one of my favorites due to its coloring. It reminds me of a blue armour look. Good eaters too! Good luck with your pede.
The only thing not awesome about this one is cleaning up after it! Is it possible to overfeed a centipede? I don't want to cause harm by that..the critter had two pinkies since yesterday.
I know overfeeding can be risky to juvies and p'lings but I don't know about subs and adults. I would imagine that one pinky per week would suffice though. It may have been very hungry for the moment. I'd let it settle with what it's eaten for a week or two before feeding again.
LOL! I know cleaning up small vertibrate prey remains sucks! Pedes are messy eaters for sure!
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