Hi i am new the the hobby, And im happy to be a member of this FORUM, i have learned a lot from the posts on the forum, So after nagging my Wife for 2 weeks she finally caved,,( thank god )!! So i went to this petshop by my house and bought what i thought was a, MAYALAN Zebra Bird Eater. Witch i came too learn that there is no such name so i think the petshop just named it that. I wish i new better, but i got had. So i dont know what kind of T i have. I feel like a dummy, for buying the spider and believing the petshop guy i dont think he Knows what hes talking about...lol. So i took a Picture only too realize that i dont know much on how too use my wife camara so im sry if pictures r not good. If any body knows what kind of spider it is please tell me??????. ...............................OK so 2 days later i found another reptile shop and took a ride and found a better selection of T's, So i looked threw the choices and found a T. BLONDE and as you can amagine the choice got a lot easyer ,i bought a T.Blonde........he/she is small. I name it T-rex. T-rex munched 5 crickets the first night she was in her new home. she hasnt eaten for 5 days now. The first T. i talked about earlyer i named Pinky. Pinky burrowed in and i havent seen her for 7-8 days now. Is that normal???. Both of there homes r the same in size and shape, Both have a DIGITAL Temp/Humid moniter.each has a 10gal tank. each has a heating pad. the only dif. is the T.blondies tank is kept at >>85f-90%humidity<< and Pinkys tank is>>84f-74%humidity. I have included a picture of the 1(PINKY) i dont know what kind he is.& a picture of a tank and a picture of my T.blondie(T-rex). SRY for my lack of spelling skill. THX for reading and welcome replies and ideas for less stressed T's. im trying too insert pics but it wont take. please tell me how too attach pictures??
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