I can't believe this. I work as a costodian at a middle school and I have my own hopper room ( just a room to keep my broom, mops,whatnot). I decided to bring a baby (unsure of instar) H.try. He was in a little delicup and did fine in the 85+degree temp. Today the delicup is gone along with my scorp. Another janitor must of used my room because thing aren't the way I left them. Ughh I just can't go around asking who took my scorpion either.
don't ask who took my scorp. calmly ask who used the closet, and specifically what did they do with the bug you were removeing from the childrens play area. only a suggestion, then explain you were turning it over to a friend, an etomologist ( god i hope i spelled that right), to identify it in case there was a problem.
Maybe someone threw it away by mistake or misplaced it. I doubt a layperson would recognize it for what it is, hell, most people hate scorps... More likely a mishap than a theft imo.
How inconsiderate and rude.....people amaze me, what is the motive? A scorpion doesnt just appear in a deli cup without thought and reason behind it, to which this unthinking person intervened....sick, simply sick!
nah the assistant manager found it gave it back and told me it was illegal to keep it there. I don't see why he would do that I have it safely put away and I'm the only person that ever uses that stupid hopper room. I even had it hidden so he was just looking for a reason to site me. 2 more and I won't pass my provation period. He doesn't like me very much.
I never bring my Scorps outside of my home unless I absolutely have to. There is really no need to bring him to work, it just puts undue stress on the poor animal.
I don't see a problem with keeping him there if it is to be his permanent home, and if you explained that he is a completely harmless species, they will understand. Most middle schools keep class pets like rats or something, which are 100x more dangerous than a H. troglodytes.
I did have him there to be permanantly there. It's always hot in there and all i was doing is bringing a cricket from home every once in a while. I even had a little mini set up there for him....
Well, if you have a pet on someone's property other than your own, this is a risk you will always run. I think your boss definitely misunderstands scorpions, but do you really want your pet to be somewhere where everyone thinks a harmless H. troglodytes is an evil killer? I would just take him home with me, he will be safer there anyway.
Seriously, just don't bring animals to work! Not only is it a bit weird, but it sounds unduly stressful to the animal in question, and you run the risk of something like this happening again. Very odd.
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