I got a little Beardie today... he needs help


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
Tuesday, I went into a pet store I've been frequenting for about 10 years now... they actually cover most of my pet needs, so it saves time, etc. But, I was a little horrified when I found some baby Beardies covered in crickets and fashioning severe head tilt. Now, I'm no Beardie expert and I don't have any here... well, I didn't... but none of what I saw looked right. It just didn't.

I went and found one of the "new" employees and told him that I thought he may want to get the excess crickets out of the viv and maybe give the little fellas some greens of some kind instead. I didn't know what to say about the head tilt just then.

Today, I went back and checked on the little ones. Everyone was gone! Then I saw this one little tiny Beardie hiding under the branch. He didn't move. His eyes didn't follow me when I moved. I went and got the manager.

Long story, shortened some what... I have a little pitiful looking baby Beardie named, Hugo, that needs all the advice and good healing vibes and prayers and all that you all can spare. I have him set up in a lizard box until I see him improve some. He's on paper towels. He has a coconut hide and 3 branches. A food dish full of kale and dandelion leaves that I misted. He's on a heat pad at one end and has a UVB light within 6" of his head. I haven't found the thermometers yet, but I'm working on it. They're in my gecko room some place.

Little Hugo cannot stand up on his legs. He sort of belly flops with his legs unnaturally dangling and smoooshed underneath him. He is responsive when I talk to him. He looks around and follows my movements, but he doesn't motorize very well... kind of crawls, drags himself. He seems to be intact otherwise... toes, tail... all that is there. He's a little guy, though... under 6" for sure.

What can I do for him that will make the miraculous difference that he seems to need? Any one have any experience rehab'ing these guys? I've worked with all kinds of critters, but not Beardies.

Aminah and The Little Hugo


Old Timer
Apr 22, 2005
Sounds like your doing everything right so far .. The only other thing i can think of is make sure ur not only dusting everything he eats with calcium but also a extra vitamins supplement that u can get at any good pet store.. They need heat and UVA and UVB and watch the heat pad cause they will cook themselves , but they do need a temp of 80-90F during the day and around 65-75F at night.. Try and get ZooMed Repti-Sun 5% bulbs for him..Thats all i can think of right now so ill just say good luck and i hope Hugo makes it..

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
What the other person said. Make sure he stays hydrated, warm, gets all the vitamins he needs...and get him to the VET! The dragging in particular sounds like he might have an impaction of some sort, which can paralyze their hind legs and WILL kill him in a horribly painful fashion if you don't get help.

Did the store keep them on sand? Were the crickets larger than the space between Hugo's eyes? These would be likely causes.


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
I just went back and checked on him... dusted his salad with some Tri Cal and will double dust his bugs when I put them in. I use Tri Cal cuz it tastes better... yes, I tried it... and RepCal Herptivite for multivitamins.
I have crickets here and will be getting some Lobsters for him shortly, thanks to a very generous and helpful member of this board a couple others that I frequent. :D

He's sitting on top of a branch, basking away, and looking at me wherever I go in there. I can't tell, but some of the salad was disturbed so maybe he picked at it a little. I dunno. He still looks like he's just "belly flopped" on the branch, but maybe it's a good sign that he's moving around somewhat and alert enough to watch me. No?

...didn't see your post while I was typing :p

Umm... yes, he was on some white sand and the crickets looked to be about 4s or older. I will call my vet first thing tomorrow. Hugo isn't dragging himself now, but I don't wanna take any chances. He isn't staring up into space either.
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Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
Umm... yes, he was on some white sand and the crickets looked to be about 4s or older. I will call my vet first thing tomorrow. Hugo isn't dragging himself now, but I don't wanna take any chances. He isn't staring up into space either.
Definitely better safe than sorry. :) If his guts are plugged up with sand (I bet they used calci-sand, agh, why is that not illegal) or crickets too big to digest, he'll be a much happier boy once something's done about it.

http://www.reptilerooms.com/Sections+index-req-viewarticle-artid-87-page-1.html has a TON of useful information, but you definitely still need to go to the vet.

Has he pooped yet? Try the (shallow) warm bath, and the site suggests a few other possible do-it-yourself techniques. But these are only while you wait for a chance to get an appointment ASAP, I cannot stress enough how important it is to get him taken care of. Better an unnecessary vet visit than having him keel over because it's impossible to tell how bad it is.

Best of luck! And get us some pics when you can. :)

EDIT: It also might not be an impaction, but a disease or some sort of parasite, though I still think the impaction is most likely.


Old Timer
Sep 19, 2005
You might be able to get any sand to pass if you give him a bath, I'd also recommend temps of 100-110 for a baby, especially one that isn't feeling well. Make sure to use a good digital thermometer with probe so you don't cook him, I use accurite brand from wal mart.

A good UVB is essential, I like repti sun 10.0.

I'd also take out the hide, you want him to bask, not hide.

The other baby you were looking at was star gazing, here is my girl bobble when she was gazing. Her head was stuck like this for about 2 weeks.

here she is today, fat and healthy

Its amazing what these little guys can survive, you'll love having a beardie, they are the coolest reptile pet ever.

More pictures of mine


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
Okay, take out the hide and get him a UVA and a UVB light? I need a digital thermometer... I'm making a list here :D ...and he needs a bigger tank.
I have a 20gL that I can convert to a Beardie tank and relocate my little fishy that presently lives in there all alone (an otocinclus that seems to be too stubborn to move into the 30g with all the other fish).

I didn't want to put him in anything too big since he seems ill, but I guess I'll go with all of you who keep telling me to do this... I know nothing. :p

I gave him a bath and I got him to eat a little. He bobs his little peanut head at me if I make a sudden noise (cough or giggle) and he can move just fine. He's a bit wobbly, but he has his legs underneath him now and can run across his little enclosure without too much trouble. My friend that used to work at a different reptile store near me... he's pretty knowledgeable about these guys, as well... told me to try some smooshed meat, so I used some Gerber chicken with supps and Hugo gobbled it all down... about a 1/2 tsp. He was just gnawing on my finger and eating it up. I gave him the bath after cuz he had some chicken on his nose and all his rubbing effort to get it off didn't work. He didn't seem thrilled about the bath until I put my finger under one of his legs and he held on while I dribbled water over his back.

I think he's spoiled already, maybe. :D

UVB and UBA lights, digital therm., lose hidey thing, bigger tank....

Do I need a "night" light for him? I have a regular blue light. I was told that a black light would give him some heat if the wattage is high enough. But does he need a night light? (there seems to be some controversy over this issue)

waldo, what are those little pieces you are feeding your dragons? Is it a treat or a staple diet or what? They look like they are enjoying it quite a bit. ;)

Will crickets be enough and is it true they can eat 30-50 a day? Wow! I'll need to double my cricket orders until my roaches get going, I guess.

Okay, well thanks again everyone. I'll keep you posted and let you know what the vet says once I get in and see him. He's really good at answering my emails, so I'll email him for any advice he can give right now.

Oh, and I'm really supposed to be "rehab'ing" this little guy... he's not supposed to be here to stay... but I'm afraid I'm getting attached already. :rolleyes:

And one more thing... if and when he poops, will it be sandy if he was in fact impacted?


Old Timer
Mar 6, 2006
at that point you really need a vets intervention...i dealt with a pretty sick beardie myself at one point. They may have to do a liquid calcium and i had to feed baby food for a while... really a vet is the best choice


Old Timer
Sep 19, 2005
I PM'd you on the other forum. We need pictures now:) baby beardies are the cutest things ever.


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2006
I don't know much about beardies so I don't have anything to add to the advice but I wish you the best of luck with him, Aminah. I will keep him in my thoughts.


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
Awwww... thanks, exkrhla :D We need all we can get!
waldo is helping a great deal... thanks again ;) ... and the beardie forum that she sent me to is just awesome!

Little Hugo POOO'd today... twice! {D And he's warmer to the touch now with his new lighting. He seems to know me when I go into his viv and doesn't try and duck under stuff, but just clings on and takes a ride on my hand. I think I'm spoiling him :rolleyes: He slept in his bath this morning... just briefly... and then fell asleep for awhile on my chest (I put him in a heated face cloth after his bath) afterwards. He's so cute in his little Skippy jar lid "bath tub"... he just hangs onto one of my fingers and rest his head there and then lets me dribble the warm water on his back and drip a little on his nose.

From what I've learned so far, it seems that he was just terribly dehydrated and not getting any food when at the pet store. I'm still taking him to the vet next week and he's probably staying here with me and the gang forever. He's too cute for me to take him back and I can't risk his health once he's all better... that would just defeat the purpose. :embarrassed:

Thanks again!


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2004
All the advice here is great, I can add a bit more. I've been keeping beardies for about 10 years.

First, I know this was gross, but how was the poop? Was it firm, greenish? Was it liquidy? How's he moving around now? If it was mostly watery, he still might be impacted. A vet visit is a good idea, either way.

Secondly, when you bathe him, rub his belly a bit, that'll get the mail moving even better. Bathing in body-warm water is a great way to hydrate them, and bond, as well.

Thirdly, he might not be ready for a salad yet, when mine was teeny like that, I gave her baby food, dribbled off my finger, and she loooved it. I used butternut squash, and carrot, as well as a "baby bearded dragon" pellet food, moistened with water. Now, she's 3 years old, I still dab some of the orange baby foods (carrots, squash, sometimes apple and bananna for a treat) onto her greens. That's a good way to get some hydration into her, too. Even mix the babyfood with some water to make it runny, and sprinkle a bit of the vitamins in it.

That's how I rehabbed a very sick and dehydrated beardy, once, I just kept dribbling a watery babyfood vitamin solution on his nose, every few hours, for 3 days, till he was eating and strong, then I moved to a finely diced salad. Stay away from mealworms, all together, because they have hard shells that can really impact the little guys (and even adults). When you're on salads and crix fully, avoid spinach because it has oxalic acid, and prevents them from absorbing calcium.

They don't drink out of bowls, generally. I keep one bowl of water in there fresh and full, for humidity, and I never see them drinking out of it. I mist them once a day, sorta their branch and rocks, or the walls of the tank, and watch them drink off the sides. You can also drip water right on the little guy's nose, if he doesn't look like he's "getting" it, with drinking off the tank.

As far as lights/heating goes, you want a spot in the tank that remains between 100 and 110f at all times, so a plain lightbulb in one corner on a high rock, or high branch solves that. Beardies need to be at least 100 degrees to properly metabolize their food. Also, they have to get within 6 inches of the UVA/UVB light, for them to absorb it, too, so I just keep the two lights near this one high branch, and it works out. The rest of the tank should sorta be a gradient warmth with no cooler than 75, on up to about 90. You can solve that by getting one of those ceramic bulbs, or an infrared, and leaving it on around the clock. Set the bright lights on a 12 hour cycle, and leave the "dark" light on all the time.

To figure out the temps, take one of those tank thermometers, and instead of sticking it on the glass, move it from place to place, every day. One day, under the lights, one day on the floor, one day near his food dish, etc. Till you get a feel for all the temperatures around the tank.

To me, that's the fussiest thing about having a beardie, the light situation. But, once you get it all set up, on timers and all, it takes care of itself.

For substrate, he's too little for sand, he can eat it, and get impacted. Some people use newspapers, I had GREAT luck with that rubbery feeling shelf liner stuff. I got some in a sand color, and made 3 liners out of it, when they get funky, take it out, replace with a fresh one, wash it, rotate, etc. That works good for their first whole year. Then you can switch to sand, if you want (I know people that have kept them all their lives on shelf liner, and it was fine, but to me sand is just more asthetically pleasing, and you can scoop it like cat litter).

When you get to sand, use basic play sand, that you get at a hardware store. HAS to be playsand, that's super clean and sifted. Not like cement making sand or anything else.

Good luck with Hugo, and keep us posted, still. Beardies are one of my all time favorite herps! I hope I helped out somewhat, just trying to give you all the info I can remember for raising a baby beardie :) If you have any more questions, I'd be glad to help you out.
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Old Timer
Dec 11, 2006
I personally have never kept a beardie, so I can't really help. However; I would like to take a minute and give you a pat on the back for rescuing the poor little thing. You are a credit to our race as human beings.

I also would like to pat on the back all of you who responded with good advise. Keep it up, it makes me proud to be a member here.



Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
Lilija, thank you soooo very much. I think I have covered all the bases that you mentioned. His poop was firm and looked like something a chicken or goose would do (I grew up on a farm... only reference I could think of). When I picked up the first couple, they were dry from the lights, I'm sure, but mostly dark with a bit of white in it. Since that first poop, they've been dark green with a streak of white and pretty firm, but sticky... ewwwww! {D I think they are pretty normal.

Just call me the POO inspector... :rolleyes:

Tom, thanks to you, as well. I didn't do anything more than what a warm body with a heart thumping should do. I know what you mean about this forum, though... people come to the rescue when you need them.... every single time. That's always a good thing to be a part of. :)

Now, I gotta go get little Hugo's morning bath water ready... and some breakfast and crickets. He lounges in the tub for a few minutes... on my finger... and I give him some squishy breakfast to get him going (kind of like having a cup of coffee or juice for us) and then put him back with about 15 dusted crickets and he chases 'em down and eats every thing like a champ. I am soooo spoiling this guy. :D


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2004
That sounds perfect, then (poopwise) they're supposed to be green and all.

Sounds like you're doing everything right, and you and Hugo are on the right track to a long and happy life together! He's a lucky beardy, to have someone that takes such good care of him. They're so easy to spoil, right?


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2006
How is the little guy doing, Aminah? I've been wondering about him.


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
Thanks for asking... he's fine and I am pretty sure now that he really is a HE. (haha... after his morning bath today, I looked under his tail and I think I saw two little bumps instead of just one... indicating male, hopefully) I mean, with a name like Hugo... :rolleyes: Is there a girl version of "Hugo"? {D

Anyhow, it seems that he just wasn't ready to be sent out on his own to fend for himself amongst "not so informed" pet store employees... he was very dehydrated, hungry and mistreated. Now.... well... you know me :D he's just rotten!! Two baths a day, holding onto me and 'snoozin' the whole time... 3 cricket buffets and a gourmet salad with "special" homemade dressing (slurpy baby food chicken and/or squash with supps) drizzled over... daily housekeeping and poop removal... vet check here and in Maine, possibly (via USPS).

He watches me around the room. He watches Poodah a LOT! And he bobs his darn little head at me!! :D

Would you say, "SPOILED"? or no? :p

How is your gang? How's that kitty? Any new multi legged kids?


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
Katronmaster, if you ever decide to get one... all I can say for my very brief experience with little Hugo is, carefully select a responsible breeder and do not buy from a pet store. The hatchling should be more like 8", rather than under 6" when released to your care... breeder or not. And the sites that have been listed in this thread are a tremendous help.

The other thing is, put a lock on your heart... these guys, lizard or not, will steal it!! {D Hugo stands on his little hind legs and looks for me. He bobs his head at me when I talk to him. And when I want him to go home, he clings to me... I swear, he would stay stuck to my shirt front all day long if I would allow it. :D


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2004
I got my first beardie, years ago, JD, and when he was a baby he hung out in my bandana all day, sorta riding in a fold, over my forehead... So, yeah it's VERY easy to spoil a beardie, heh.

I know what you mean about the name, we named ours Frankie...well, now it's Francesca, because Frankie wound up being a she.

The head bobbing is cute as hell, he's trying to talk to you. If you put your hand flat in front of him, and sorta rotate your thumb around, you can communicate back, in beardie language. Kinda like bobbing back.