I found a nursery web spider.Is it ready for small crickets?


Jul 23, 2020
I have been feeding it fruit flies. I rehoused and am wondering if it is ready for small crickets they don't have pinhead anywhere around here.
In this enclosure it just sits on the bottom is that okay? Is been a day and a half with the new enclosure it ate a fruit fly but just sits in the one spot



Old Timer
Dec 28, 2008
Why do you have it in a bare enclosure with holes on the bottom?? You realize most spiders need substrate, and wood and stuff to build webs around. That enclosure it completely unsuitable.


Jul 23, 2020
Why do you have it in a bare enclosure with holes on the bottom?? You realize most spiders need substrate, and wood and stuff to build webs around. That enclosure it completely unsuitable.
I should take another picture, at the top the piece of wood is wide like the letter T and has a good bit of moss growing on it. I've never kept a Nursery web spider but all the ones I see are up in the trees so I thought it would hang out in the top I found it in the top of a gutter high on a house. I didn't put substrate because I wanted it to be able to see the fruitflies on the bottom easily. the holes on the bottom are flush to the bottom. The holes on the side I covered with screen.


Old Timer
Dec 28, 2008
I should take another picture, at the top the piece of wood is wide like the letter T and has a good bit of moss growing on it. I've never kept a Nursery web spider but all the ones I see are up in the trees so I thought it would hang out in the top I found it in the top of a gutter high on a house. I didn't put substrate because I wanted it to be able to see the fruitflies on the bottom easily. the holes on the bottom are flush to the bottom. The holes on the side I covered with screen.
You need a proper enclosure dude. It needs substrate, twigs, branches, wood etc for the spider.


Jul 23, 2020
You need a proper enclosure dude. It needs substrate, twigs, branches, wood etc for the spider.
I have some substrate to add, another stick and a rock the tank is not that big. Can this spider eat crickets its same size or would they have to be pinheads?


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021
I have some substrate to add, another stick and a rock the tank is not that big. Can this spider eat crickets its same size or would they have to be pinheads?
These are ambush spiders they don't make webs unless it's a female and even then only for her eggsack and then baby's hence nursery web because they females guard the slings till they disperse. They can take down things larger than themselves but I wouldn't advise it why risk the spider . They also like to sun themselves in the morning on leafs or long grass and have large territorys they roam around looking for food , they will find a spot they like then when something wanders past the quickly restle it to the ground and subdue it . Extremely cool spider but need exact care to keep them thriving which is why I released the one I found on our kitchen wall last night, that basking spot and huge territory will be difficult to replicate. But the ff you are feeding should be sufficient for now your spood will need sub and lots of sticks leafs ect to make it feel safe and a huge enclosure because as I said they cover Big territories. Think over grown fallow field as that's where they live mostly they are apparently partial to living in nettles 🤷‍♀️. Hope my info helps 😊 gl.


Jan 11, 2022
I have been feeding it fruit flies. I rehoused and am wondering if it is ready for small crickets they don't have pinhead anywhere around here.
In this enclosure it just sits on the bottom is that okay? Is been a day and a half with the new enclosure it ate a fruit fly but just sits in the one spot
Your spider is plenty big enough for small crickets. They will eat anything roughly the size of their abdomen and often things a bit bigger than them. Crickets can bite so be careful to only offer one at a time and never leave them in the enclosure unattended. You can also offer mealworms or dubia roaches.

My guess is that your spider isn't thriving due to the enclosure. It would help if you would post a photo of the full enclosure. Based on the photo you have provided these are the issues that I'm seeing:
1. Ventilation. You need cross ventilation for your spider. I don't see any ventilation holes.
2. Substrate. Substrate isn't just for looks. It maintains the humidity of the enclosure. Your spider requires it.
3. Hides. Your spider needs places to hide and rest to live comfortably.

My suggestion is to cover the holes on the bottom or make a new enclosure out of tupperware or an empty food container. Put in a couple inches of substrate (potting soil works if you don't have any). Put in a fake flower, plant, or a piece of cork bark. Finally, make sure there are ventilations holes on the right and left sides of the enclosure. Make them yourself if you need to.

These should be easy enough upgrades to make with things around your home. However, if you are unable to upgrade that enclosure, the kindest thing is to release the spider so that it can thrive.


Jul 23, 2020
Your spider is plenty big enough for small crickets. They will eat anything roughly the size of their abdomen and often things a bit bigger than them. Crickets can bite so be careful to only offer one at a time and never leave them in the enclosure unattended. You can also offer mealworms or dubia roaches.

My guess is that your spider isn't thriving due to the enclosure. It would help if you would post a photo of the full enclosure. Based on the photo you have provided these are the issues that I'm seeing:
1. Ventilation. You need cross ventilation for your spider. I don't see any ventilation holes.
2. Substrate. Substrate isn't just for looks. It maintains the humidity of the enclosure. Your spider requires it.
3. Hides. Your spider needs places to hide and rest to live comfortably.

My suggestion is to cover the holes on the bottom or make a new enclosure out of tupperware or an empty food container. Put in a couple inches of substrate (potting soil works if you don't have any). Put in a fake flower, plant, or a piece of cork bark. Finally, make sure there are ventilations holes on the right and left sides of the enclosure. Make them yourself if you need to.

These should be easy enough upgrades to make with things around your home. However, if you are unable to upgrade that enclosure, the kindest thing is to release the spider so that it can thrive.
I just put him into this enclosure, He is growing well I was just a little concerned because the first couple of days he just sat on the bottom but now he stays on the wood. Thanks for letting me know about cross ventilation there are holes on the left side I need to figure out how to make holes in the lid at the top the wood piece gets fairly big fills the entire top section. I am adding substrate and will find a plant to add.


Jul 23, 2020
These are ambush spiders they don't make webs unless it's a female and even then only for her eggsack and then baby's hence nursery web because they females guard the slings till they disperse. They can take down things larger than themselves but I wouldn't advise it why risk the spider . They also like to sun themselves in the morning on leafs or long grass and have large territorys they roam around looking for food , they will find a spot they like then when something wanders past the quickly restle it to the ground and subdue it . Extremely cool spider but need exact care to keep them thriving which is why I released the one I found on our kitchen wall last night, that basking spot and huge territory will be difficult to replicate. But the ff you are feeding should be sufficient for now your spood will need sub and lots of sticks leafs ect to make it feel safe and a huge enclosure because as I said they cover Big territories. Think over grown fallow field as that's where they live mostly they are apparently partial to living in nettles 🤷‍♀️. Hope my info helps 😊 gl.
Thnk you t=for the info. I will be putting it in a much larger setup I have a 20 gal vivarium tall that I will be putting it in. In its last cup it did make webbing across the top I think maybe it was because it just wanted to be high and I had no sticks in the cup just substrate and a rock. You think if I break the crickets legs it would be safe to feed with that I really want to get him on crickets for now.


Jul 23, 2020
here is a better picture with more added for now I like spraying water into the tank instead of a dish there is moss at the top that holds the drops.



Jan 11, 2022
Thnk you t=for the info. I will be putting it in a much larger setup I have a 20 gal vivarium tall that I will be putting it in. In its last cup it did make webbing across the top I think maybe it was because it just wanted to be high and I had no sticks in the cup just substrate and a rock. You think if I break the crickets legs it would be safe to feed with that I really want to get him on crickets for now.
Crickets are fine. If your spider is hungry, they will eat them within a few minutes usually. Put one in, if your spider doesn't take it after about 30 minutes, remove it and try again the next day.


Jan 11, 2022
here is a better picture with more added for now I like spraying water into the tank instead of a dish there is moss at the top that holds the drops.
That picture is better but I'm still worried about ventilation. You need ventilation holes on both sides. You can use a drill to put holes in the other side. Here is a webpage I found that walks you through how to drill through acrylic glass. https://plasticsheetsshop.co.uk/dri... drill acrylic with,sheet, causing it to tear.


Jul 23, 2020
That picture is better but I'm still worried about ventilation. You need ventilation holes on both sides. You can use a drill to put holes in the other side. Here is a webpage I found that walks you through how to drill through acrylic glass. https://plasticsheetsshop.co.uk/drilling-acrylic/#:~:text=When drilling acrylic, it is,the sheet is well supported.&text=You can drill acrylic with,sheet, causing it to tear.
You can't see with the picture because it's not close enough there are slits all the way around the top where the lid closes. With all of the slits and the 2 holes on the left there is air flow. He has been wandering around some within the leaves and eating seems like he likes the enclosure. It's just a temporary set up. It will be going in a20 gal tall set up. Or maybe in my 55 gal plant terrarium probably the 20 gal though