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Hysterocrates sp.


Old Timer
Apr 1, 2006
Perhaps gigas?

Temp: 72 F
Humidity: normal-high
No environmental changes were made before mating.

Male 6.5+" unknown date of maturity.
Female 6" unknown last molt date.

Mated 11/9/06

Very quick mating, it appeared that male only got one insertion, and drummed for her to get up again. She was apparently finished. And male was removed.

Will update when information becomes available!
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Old Timer
Aug 12, 2004
Hysterocrates sp. hatchout

First thanks to all who helped me out throughout with info and tips

Female unknown age WC (about 5.5'')
Male unknown age CB (miniature 4'' or less)

both have uniformly incrassate leg IV (not rugby shaped tibia)

8-11-06 Female molt
9-4-06 mated once
9-4-06 in the basement (72-68 F)
10-19-06 my room (82F constant)
12-21-06 noticed guarding an eggsac
01-14-07 egg sac taken (eggs with legs)
01-15-07 molted into instar1? (mobile nymphs)

normal humidity, kept dark

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Old Timer
Feb 9, 2004
Successful? -

Any special care or preliminary notes for the lovers -
Nothing to speak of.

How they were paired -
Female #1 cohabited with male for approximately one week. Mid-September.
Male was introduced to female #2 and removed immediately after mating. 25 September 06.

Any observations on the hookup -
Both females were very receptive to the male. No aggression at all.

Any special post mating care -
Enclosures were allowed to dry out slightly and temps were dropped by a few degrees for approximately one month. Gradually raised temps to mid-70s and moistened substrate. Sacs were made one week after a "flood". About 3/4 cup of water was dumped directly above both females' main burrow chambers.

Time to sac -
Sac #1 - ~10 weeks or so
Sac #2 - 11 weeks

Care of the sac -
Sacs left with females for about a month then taken and manually incubated.

Time to emerge/hatch -
Both sacs were at eggs with legs stage when taken from females. Sac #1 molted to 1st instar on 16 January 07. Sac #2 should begin molting to 1st instar in a week or so.

The final details -
No count of spiderlings yet. Both eggsacs were fairly small. Females are still young though.

Ice Cold Milk

Old Timer
Jul 21, 2004
Very fast eggsac production

Mated 2x Hysterocrates sp. "hercules" (trade name).

Date of mating: August 10th, 2009, +/- a day or two. The two have been cohabitating since that time, although the female sealed the entrance to her burrow a few days after the first mating. She ate perhaps 1 or 2 B. dubia adult female roaches before her eggsac was produced.

Date of Eggsac: September 13th. (34 days)

Female was kept in very moist substrate (about 8" deep) and heated to about 27C for a few months before the mating occurred. Temperatures had risen by a few degrees for a week or so before the egg sac was produced. She was already very fat, and it had been 6+ months since her last molt.
She made the egg sac at the bottom of her burrow in a small excavated 'cave', which I was able to see into since it was built against the glass of her enclosure.

Will pull the egg sac at around day 20.
