Here is a female Arctosa wolf spider that I recently found. She is about 2 cm and very fat. I have been finding lots of males and females running around. I'm hoping she is preggers. Anyways enjoy the pic of her chowing down on a large fly.
Thank you for your compliments. No I haven't bred these guys. I am hoping that she will lay an eggsac though. If she does i am crossing my fingers that they will be easier to raise than my D.triton slings.
a pic of her new home. I put this together for my orchid and thought it might make a good home for her too. She does seem a lot calmer in this tank than the other one.
slow down a moment! What´s that spider for a size?
I thought Arctosa spec. would´nt get as big as it seems from the last pic, is it just a very small container or is that creepy really near a hand-full? :?
Well, Stefan, your questioning sent me back to the keys. Specifically this one, Lycosidae. I seem to have been a little careless with this one. Instead of Arctosa she is actually Schizocosa. Both genus have a long dorsobristle on tarsus one. My mistake :8o This is actually a fortunate turn of events though since I have been able to find much more info on Schizocosa natural history
I noticed the other day that a few eggs had spilled out of the sac. I am not sure if she is getting anxious and wanted to check on the eggs or if she is just being rough with the eggsac but about 10 eggs fell out. I thought that these eggs were goners but I found this when I checked on her this morning...
... one of the little guys is developing outside of the eggcase! I am pretty excited about this and moved it to a smaller container to keep tabs on it. The mother is also carrying the eggsac in her chelicerae like a pisaurid now. Do wolf spiders do that when they are about to open the eggsac?
Wolf spiders will carry thier young on their abdomen for a while after they have hatched. If you had left the spiderlings with her they would have devoloped and latched on. Her only job is to defend them until they are old enough to defend themselves. Obviously no harm done but watch what she does with the rest.
Icelos, thank you, but i realize that wolf spiders care for their young in that way. These spiderlings that I have removed from the larger tank are not able to walk or latch on to anything yet. Since the larger tank is full of live moss and other plants I didn't want to lose track of these guys. Plus it is very interesting to get a better view of their development.
well, some bad news... She stopped carrying around the eggsac last night and had not picked it up by this morning. i opened the eggsac because it had started to look a little funny and none of the eggs had developed in the way the spilled ones did and they seemed to be covered in mold. Bummer. At least I have the 5 that developed from the spilled eggs though. I hope those little guys make it.
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