how to rehome


Apr 21, 2017
So I got my Eratigena Atrica a bigger enclosure, and I want to stress her out as little as possible when rehoming her. What do you think the bed method is? Putting things in her new enclosure, then opening her current one up and gently coaxing her in? I'm not sure, i've never re-homed a spider before and im unsure if rehoming a Eratigena Atrica is any different then rehoming any spider.​


Old Timer
Feb 22, 2014
Usually, I set up the new enclosure exactly the way I want it, then put the old and new enclosures next to each other. Then, gently with a paintbrush, you slowly coax the spider out of the old and into the new enclosure. Another way to do it is nudge the spider into a container, then move the container into the new enclosure, and nudge it out in there. Pretty simple, just make sure you're in a place where if it bolts, it doesn't have any place to hide :D


Apr 21, 2017
Usually, I set up the new enclosure exactly the way I want it, then put the old and new enclosures next to each other. Then, gently with a paintbrush, you slowly coax the spider out of the old and into the new enclosure. Another way to do it is nudge the spider into a container, then move the container into the new enclosure, and nudge it out in there. Pretty simple, just make sure you're in a place where if it bolts, it doesn't have any place to hide :D
I originally considered the container but the only container i have to move them is way too small and the last time she was in one (when i caught her) it broke one of her legs,,, i felt the paint brush would stress her out, but if you think it'll work i'll try that!


Jun 17, 2016
I use a plastiv bag to rehome my Ts that like to bolt and are skittish, mainly because if one escapes there are so many hiding places in my house it would be a huge task to find it.

I put a plastic bag ( usually a gallon baggie) over the old container and use a paintbrush to get the tarantula to run out of it home into the bag. Then i cut the corner off of the bag closest to the spider and put the area with the spider in it in the new enclosure and close the lid on the bag (so the tarantula has nowhere to go but in the new home), then just let the tarantula crawl out of the bag on its own and slide the bag out of the container.


Apr 21, 2017
I use a plastiv bag to rehome my Ts that like to bolt and are skittish, mainly because if one escapes there are so many hiding places in my house it would be a huge task to find it.

I put a plastic bag ( usually a gallon baggie) over the old container and use a paintbrush to get the tarantula to run out of it home into the bag. Then i cut the corner off of the bag closest to the spider and put the area with the spider in it in the new enclosure and close the lid on the bag (so the tarantula has nowhere to go but in the new home), then just let the tarantula crawl out of the bag on its own and slide the bag out of the container.
thats a good idea! i'll know for next time since I already rehomed here hah. She didn't like the paint brush at all and i didn't wanna stress her out so I just used a drinking glass to sorta scoop her up and that worked perfectly fine!

heres her in her new home! it's actually made for beta fish but I feel it'll be fine for her! plant is an anchor point for her webbing, will prob add more stuff in but i've been up for like 20 hours and im tired lol, also I apologize for my messy room in the background, i meant to only show it to my girlfriend who has a T but I felt too lazy to take a nicer one smh:
