Brachypelmas are slow growers and long livers, my guess is about 5 years or maybe 6 or so years, give or take a bit. I have a 9 year old B.smithi and I'm pretty sure she is mature.
Actually, There are pleanty of exceptions to the rules even in a genus that grows slowly, I have seen in many cases that B boehmei grows extreamly faster than its other Brachypelma cousins. My female took 2.5 years to get to a size were she wanted to breed.( I got her when she was 1.5"and she was feed at a normal pace). Just some food for thought.
Golden Phoenix Exotica has some, and there in great shape(seen them myself) Darrin is a great person to work with he is very honest and kind. Id go with him.
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