How long will a male pokie live for after he has molted out mature? and at what size would you say they are actually ready for breeding? Like, how do I KNOW he is a Mature Male VS a subadult?
I have never had a male Pokie live past a year. But I have only had a handful so I am sure there might be a few that have gone longer then that.
And how you tell they are mature is they go through a radical transformation and their palps change, in my picture below you can see I circled the area of the MM you should look at. And you can mate them when they have had 3 or so weeks to eat and harden up and make a sperm web.
my P. Regalis is about 5 inches legspan and has his palpal emboli, is that breedng age? If he doesn't much life left in him, I'd like to see him go out on a breeding exchange before he goes out. I've had him a little while now, and he's constructed one spermweb since I've gotten him.
Mature males can live amazing lengths of time, however there is no way to predict how long. Once a male matures, he should be mated as soon as possible to ensure the viability of his sperm.
I have a friend who has a male G. rosea that has actually had a post-pentultimate molt last year and is still going strong... so, ya never know.
You should definitely post your male on the Invertsonals boards, it's our responsibility to keep up captive breeding.:clap:
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