how badly did i mess up?, and is there hope?


Old Timer
Jan 6, 2007
earliar this morning i placed my king baboon sling no bigger than my finger nail in a sterilite plastic container that measures 13 inches long and 8 wide with peat moss as substrate.

how ever later i decided that i did not like that set up as it was to humid and there were to many small crickets on the loose as a mass exodus of them leapt into the container for freedom when i first opened the cricket case, and these crickets are much to small to remove with out changing the substrate, so for these reasons and because i decided it would be alot easyer for me to care for the spider in a smaller container i decided to move it, and here is where my troubles begin.

finding such a small critter in a space where it blends in so easily is no small task, but as i was able to find the spider in said container before deciding to move it in less than 20 seconds of looking(it has dug in near a corner)

and so using my fingers, a fine tooth comb a magnifying glass a flash light and a sand sifter i went about scouring and re-scouring the entire container peat fiber by peat fiber for over 6 hours (i actually had plans today which obviously i had to bail on) and so i ended up moving every last peat fiber into a smaller circular container that is much taller, it is 8 inches wide and tall enough so that all the substrate in the new container is 3.5 inches deep.

so here is my problem, i know king baboons are "deep" burrowers but at that size and with that high level of substrate if it is buried some where in there would it be able to make its way back to the surface? is there anyway to make it reveal its location? granted there is even a chance it is some how not even in there but there is really no way for me to tell.

would it be crushed or sufocated by some much dirt on top of it?

and then the other big thing is what if i never see it again and it died under all that some how or who knows what,

i guess all that i can do now is put food in there and hope for the best, i know king baboons are slow growers but how slow? if it is still in there and kicking it and is some how able to sense food on the surface how long would i have to wait before it molts enough so that i can find it?


Old Timer
May 2, 2005
earliar this morning i placed my king baboon sling no bigger than my finger nail in a sterilite plastic container that measures 13 inches long and 8 wide with peat moss as substrate.

how ever later i decided that i did not like that set up as it was to humid and there were to many small crickets on the loose as a mass exodus of them leapt into the container for freedom when i first opened the cricket case, and these crickets are much to small to remove with out changing the substrate, so for these reasons and because i decided it would be alot easyer for me to care for the spider in a smaller container i decided to move it, and here is where my troubles begin.

finding such a small critter in a space where it blends in so easily is no small task, but as i was able to find the spider in said container before deciding to move it in less than 20 seconds of looking(it has dug in near a corner)

and so using my fingers, a fine tooth comb a magnifying glass a flash light and a sand sifter i went about scouring and re-scouring the entire container peat fiber by peat fiber for over 6 hours (i actually had plans today which obviously i had to bail on) and so i ended up moving every last peat fiber into a smaller circular container that is much taller, it is 8 inches wide and tall enough so that all the substrate in the new container is 3.5 inches deep.

so here is my problem, i know king baboons are "deep" burrowers but at that size and with that high level of substrate if it is buried some where in there would it be able to make its way back to the surface? is there anyway to make it reveal its location? granted there is even a chance it is some how not even in there but there is really no way for me to tell.

would it be crushed or sufocated by some much dirt on top of it?

and then the other big thing is what if i never see it again and it died under all that some how or who knows what,

i guess all that i can do now is put food in there and hope for the best, i know king baboons are slow growers but how slow? if it is still in there and kicking it and is some how able to sense food on the surface how long would i have to wait before it molts enough so that i can find it?
First off, you should never put a sling i something that big. The vial it was sold in would suffice or even a deli cup if you wanted something larger. I cannot think of anyway to find its location other than sieving the dirt, which may injure it, or waiting and seeing if it makes a hole to the surface. then you can remove it and put it in a smaller container. You should then do some searched on proper sling care to avoid this in the future.


Old Timer
Jan 6, 2007
all my other slings are in deli containers, i placed the boon in the larger one because at the time i had nothing else and figured i would keep it in there until it was at least 2 inches before transfering to a tank.

spiderlings require more attention to detail then the scorplings i am used too simply because of how small they are.


Old Timer
Apr 9, 2006
ling in large container

Well, I would try gently moving the peat moss around, and hope she pops out. But theirs the possibility of you harming the sling if you dont do it very carefully.
I know you are worried about the situation, but look everywhere carefully and gently. I hope you do find her. Remember next time to only use a container appropriately sized for the size of sling, either vial or deli cup. Slings need a snug enclosure so they can find their prey easily.


Old Timer
Jan 6, 2007
all the sifting i did was done extremely carefuly and thoughtfully which is partly why i was able to do it for so long, i am feeding them prekilled until they are about an inch or so


Old Timer
Oct 23, 2005
The only way if you have to find your little sling would be........inch by inch. Very very slowly sorting through the substrate. They do burrow deep. Make sure if you do this process that the substrate you remove is completely free of the T. They are hard to spot in some cases. Your only other way it now is just to leave it alone. Maybe you might be able to spot a burrow dug out near one of the sides or check the bottom of the container. Just be carefull as not to disturb the container. You would not want to have the substrate shift. I know with slings you want to give them room, but there is a reason why we leave them in the containers they come in or move them to a deli cup. It is a hard lesson to learn, but I don't think you need anyone getting on you anymore for this. Hope it turns out well and if anyone here has a better idea, they will let you know. And yes there is always hope!!!!!!


Old Timer
Nov 7, 2005
You might try placing a cookie sheet in the bottom of the bathtub.Then spread the substrate out on the cookie sheet very carefully. Make sure the drain in closed in the tub before starting though. Once you have it spread out watch to see if there's any movement. If not then you might try gently sifting it. Good luck. Hope you find the little bugger. We all learn from mistakes. The key is just not to make the same one twice. :)


Old Timer
Aug 7, 2002
You might try placing a cookie sheet in the bottom of the bathtub.Then spread the substrate out on the cookie sheet very carefully. Make sure the drain in closed in the tub before starting though. Once you have it spread out watch to see if there's any movement. If not then you might try gently sifting it. Good luck. Hope you find the little bugger. We all learn from mistakes. The key is just not to make the same one twice. :)
In fact use scotch tape to seal the drain. No use in taking any chances...I like this suggestion!