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Well here it is,a thread for building beehives.Lay it on me.
Thanks,yep he was so good he sent me to a woman who was going to sell me AHB as normal bees,without telling me.So i'll pass on that.I have been to all the sites you listed good info.I have selected my books and dvds im going to study over the next few weeks before I begin.I learn fairly quickly on anything I pursue so I should at least be somewhat capable by then.(I see you have been to Michal Bushes Web page? The guy is a savior when it comes to organic bee keeping)
Nope not buying anything until I have a better handle on all the information.Well I'm sorry, about the conflict. That really kinda sucks, I hope you dont totally hate the guy for ever.
I hope things turn out well for you, thats the thing about living down south you have to worry more about getting AHB and not EHB.
good luck on your endeavors, I'm going to try to get some one to take some pictures of when I'm putting the bee's in the Hives. What equipment do you have already?
I know that What he did was wrong, and i hope you can get over that, have you at least looked over his site? He does have some useful stuff.
Well I think you will have to wait until CM or Tim jumps in here for info on that.I have just begun learning so cannot comment.YETI have another type of bee question if that's ok:
I've seen places selling bumble bee hives. I thought about getting one but they only last a few weeks apparently. Is it possible to keep a bumble bee hive going for a long period of time?
Yea, people are selling Bumble bee hives, mainly for Green houses (i think that is why) Its allot smaller than a bee hive which makes it more convenient, a couple hundred bee's comparied to 30,000 bee's is quite a difference! It depends on how you keep them really from what I have read is that the workers die, and the queen hibernates, much like Wasps. you could probably capture a Queen Honey bee In the Fall try and induce her into burrowing .
Who knows an Ant farm style Burrow would be kinda neat. More research would be needed. But IT wouldn't be any thing like a Bee hive. I don't know much more than that sorry.
:? Im not sure what you are looking for then DR
:? ........Well here it is,a thread for building beehives.Lay it on me.
So you have actually never kept them,and therefore have no real experience.So how are you any further advanced than me,except in reading materials and building one which you say you have not yet completed.lol And you are in high school.Man you have got to be kidding how in the hell are you going to advise if you have never actually done it then say this.Im getting my **first two hives in Spring.** If you are gonna get started now is the time, only a few months left till the season gets rolling, not sure when it starts where you are I live in Ohio..
Of which by your own admission above you have none.Kid you are not talking to a wal mart,ding fries are done.While I can appreciate you relating your own endeavours,please refrain from talking like you actually know what you are doing since you have never done it by your own admission.Hands on experience in this hobby is best..
Now you say he is a saviour but you are not even aware that quote is taken directly from his site.So how can you represent him as a saviour when you really do not even know what he says on his site?nepenthes;833593 in pm said:I saw a quote from M.Bush I think you are just pulling our legs...
But you arenepenthes;833593 in pm said:Im in high school by the way, Im building a third Bee hive in Shop class. People think Im crazy! Maybe they are right? ...
and you have not even finished the first.nepenthes;833593 in pm said:Im getting my **first two hives in Spring.**
Looks like they called it.nepenthes;833593 in pm said:People think Im crazy! Maybe they are right? ....
Thats not what you said,anybody can scroll up and read for themselves,now its something different. I think the prick is the one trying to come off as a experienced keeper,when by your own mouth you are getting your first two hives in spring.Save your smoke for your bees.When someone blows it up my boodiehole I would prefer at least someone who can do it well.I didn't mention ANY thing about me not working around bee's before. I HAVE worked with some one who has bee's. I HAVE complete Hives (just need to paint a few more deeps and I'm set) frames and foundation are in, I just don't have bee's in them yet. I'm sorry for trying to help you out a little bit, I think its great you are getting into the hobby, but we don't need pricks in the hobby either. Don't be so stuck up young people can have just as much information as older people. Ill just let you stick around and wait for you're two "authority" figures, instead of giving you a little helping hand.
And the reason people thought I was crazy was because of the fact I'm KEEPING BEE'S thats not an every day thing you hear about.
I have read his site, I don't remember useless things like you're quote from his site.
I will admit I am not an deeply experienced keeper yes. But I probably know more than you do I have been researching for the past year. You don't know any thing about Apis mellifera. Ive read many pages, I have browsed many forums, I've wasted allot of time doing research. I've spent time with an experienced bee keeper (a county bee inspector) I've been around open hives, buzzing around me, don't say I'm in experienced.
I'm still a freaking novice yea, but I HAVE way more experience than you.
Actually considering he's sending people to buy africans from another keeper without telling them,as I asked him directly about the Lus bee,even though he himself isnt selling them.Its not useless thats some damn good advice in that quote from his site.ROFL Run through them bushes get them africans off.HAHAHA too much my side is hurting from laughing.I have read his site, I don't remember useless things like you're quote from his site..
Yep I read that already,im like a tumor when it comes to subjects im interested in I just keep growing.So here are the rules my one against the best of your many,thats already in your favor you cannot beat that,thats vegas house odds.Ok, Sounds like a good bet.
But I would expect you to know Honey production doesn't just depend on if the bee's can make it, it also depends on how the nectar flows are that year. Im not trying to make an excuse of any kind I'm just saying it could be a good nectar year or it could be a bad year.
So you are getting a Carnolian? I hear they are pretty good. But Im getting an Italian and a Russian.
The loser of the bet should get some kind of Banner or something that says they cant keep bee's, or some witty comment.