Hisser Set up..??


Aug 24, 2007
I am getting two adult male Madagascar hissers & want to make sure my set up is correct to keep them at optimal health. Please feel free to make corrections as needed as I am fairly new to this.

10 gal aquarium, cypress mulch as bedding, a dish that holds dry dog food(not sure which brand to get though, I also heard rat lab blocks works just as well), a dish that holds romaine lettuce, carrots & apples, a shallow water dish & a few pieces of wood chunks bought from petco for them to set on & under. I was told to keep the mulch damp & to mist the cage twice a day as hissers need a higher humidity than other roaches(not sure if that is true or not as it came from the petco rep).




Old Timer
Oct 21, 2005
If you are going to use substrate, stay away from cyprus. It is a very rot and insect resistant wood - IE it is full of compounds that bugs and rot find not to their liking! Use coco fiber, peat moss, and some dried hardwood leaves instead. The hissers will actually eat the leaves. Ten gallons is huge for 2 hissers. They would do just fine in a medium critter keeper. I have proabably 500 in a 10 gallon tank with lots of eggcrate, no substrate. They get misted every other day and do just fine. They like it humid, not soggy. I feed mine left over veggie scraps, bread scraps, dried leaves and cheap dog food. The cheaper the better! There is a ton of info on this board about hissers, do a search and you will have enough to keep you reading for days.