hides and slings.

P. Novak

Old Timer
Sep 12, 2005
Shame on you guys for not having a water dish LOL. According to Tmac's many years experience you need to provide a swimming pool hahaha

Aw crap. I better get to installing the pools then.

P. Novak

Old Timer
Sep 12, 2005
Ha, yup, I catch mine doing this all the time, a little too much I must say. :embarrassed:


Old Timer
May 19, 2006
Well, back on topic here. Some people provide hides and some give their tarantula a computer. You just have to decide what works best in your situation.


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2007
None of my slings get water dishes. I mist/droplet and it is just swell. Some of my adults don't get water dishes, either... I mist/droplet instead. Some do not have given hides... I may put in a twig or a small rock and let them do the rest... but I also keep them in a dark and quiet setting and I suspect that they use the whole habitat as a hide (compare to snake breeding racks where the whole thing is a hide and therefore added hides are not necessary). Some of my slings in jars get a hotwheels car inside in substrate, non moving) that they web or live under/inside of. Yes, this is a hide, but it is mostly for my sake... like nearly ALL of my cage decorations/modifications, etc.

I think that a tarantula can be kept humanely in a deli cup into adulthood and can also do just great in a 10 gallon tank on display - as long as enough substrate is offered and the conditions are appropriate (right humidity, food offered, etc). I do not look down on the minimalistic keepers that keep it simple, the nature recreators that keep it real, or the displayers that keep it cool. I fall somewhere on that list at any point depending on what I have and my time/interest. Some of my tanks are elaborate and on display, others are minimalistic and kept in the dark. It is really hard to do this wrong if the basic interest of the spider is kept in mind.

I do not think that brian is being cruel, and I also do not think that there is anything wrong with going all out for your pet spider (hey, I am sure some of you have seen pictures of some of my tanks... like the one where I used doll house furniture and my tarantula DID have his own computer!). Your balls must be pretty big if you think it is cool to make assumptions and judgments on someone when they are just trying to share their experiences. It takes more than a small water dish to constitute "spider abuse" (like the crazy tweaker that brought me her G. Rosea... she was petting and cuddling this poor hairless leg-missing spider and was trying to convince me that she had the spider trained to do tricks. That poor buggy nearly died of stress... She would have LOOOOVED to have a deli cup and a bottle cap and be left the hell alone).


Old Timer
Sep 22, 2002
I think that most people in the hobby like to simulate the T's natural habitat as much as possible, which is a very good thing for adults, and juvies. However, even though it may bother you to not have a hide for your slings, because it would be less natural, maybe you should take into consideration that slings have an incredibly high mortality rate in the wild. So I think in this case, because slings are so fragile, and because I think we all want to see them reach adulthood, leaving out potential dangers is the best way to go.
You can make hides pretty safe. Still a risk, you say? Well, to me, that's like arguing that you can't give a t an enclosure more than 4 times its legspan wide because then 'it won't find its food and will starve to death', i.e pishposh. And I don't think falling things are wild slings' greatest source of headaches. But yes, as long as the spiders appear to live, and live Ok, then to each their own.

In regards to dishes for slings- I don't, but when I tried, some liked to poo in theirs. Instinct?
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Old Timer
Feb 13, 2007
Um? Why dismiss it as pishposh? Some tarantulas don't do as well in large spaces as the do in smaller habitats IN CAPTIVITY. I have several in 10gals just fine, but saying pishposh to the whole thing is really unreasonable.

Instinct? Coincidence? Hard to know when observing such a small group with no control group or other reasonings behind it all.


Old Timer
Sep 22, 2002
Um? Why dismiss it as pishposh? Some tarantulas don't do as well in large spaces as the do in smaller habitats IN CAPTIVITY. I have several in 10gals just fine, but saying pishposh to the whole thing is really unreasonable.
Of course smaller habitats in 'captivity', as they would have an endless amount of space otherwise.
But do tell, why don't they do well? Any other reason than the food thing?

Instinct? Coincidence? Hard to know when observing such a small group with no control group or other reasonings behind it all.
Indeed :) But trying to make sense of the things the t's do is one of the fun things of keeping them, even if it's just empty speculation. Gods know they don't do much.
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Old Timer
Aug 4, 2005
i have 7 g. rosea slings, one burrows everywhere. one which is in a small kk moves all the dirt in her cage around all the time. every time you look in its totally different. another has a rock in the center of its cage and never moves a thing. it spends 90% of its time on the rock. i turn on a light and it moves to the back of the rock. and another webs everything in the cage.
so, in my oppinion. i think its hard to say what is perfect for t's in genaral. i also have one sling in a ten gallon tank. which according to many people is a big no no. she's been in there for 6 weeks and is doing fine. ive timed her with every feeding and so far the longest its taken her to find her food is less than 4 minutes. and i always drop it in the other end of the tank. on the same note i have an obt that was in a ten gallon. refused to eat and was doing very bad till i moved him to a large kk. now hes doing great.
its all to some extent a matter of personal preference. if we were able to provide cages that were perfect and our t's were totally content we wouldnt need lids to keep them in there tanks. but then they would all be on the computer looking at porn all the time.


Mar 4, 2007
You know, experience is not knowledge, only what you think is knowledge. Besides, take a look at science through the ages, and how wrong we have been about pretty much everything so far, and how many people we have killed for having another opinion.
Knowledge is no replacement for experience. There are thousands of books on raising children, and as I'm sure just about any parent can tell you, none of them prepare you for your first child. When companies want to hire someone for an important job, do they just want someone fresh out of college? Or do they want someone with years of experience in the field. And I won't get started on how 'wrong' we have been about 'everything' so far in science.

I wrapped half his jar in dark construction paper so I can peek in from time to time. Lucky for me he made the burrow right up against the covered side. I have found if I leave the paper open too long he webs up the jar so you can't see in.
That's an awesome idea, I'm going to have to try that :worship: (sorry, I'm a newb)


Old Timer
Sep 22, 2002
i have 7 g. rosea slings, one burrows everywhere. one which is in a small kk moves all the dirt in her cage around all the time. every time you look in its totally different. another has a rock in the center of its cage and never moves a thing. it spends 90% of its time on the rock. i turn on a light and it moves to the back of the rock. and another webs everything in the cage.
so, in my oppinion. i think its hard to say what is perfect for t's in genaral. i also have one sling in a ten gallon tank. which according to many people is a big no no. she's been in there for 6 weeks and is doing fine. ive timed her with every feeding and so far the longest its taken her to find her food is less than 4 minutes. and i always drop it in the other end of the tank. on the same note i have an obt that was in a ten gallon. refused to eat and was doing very bad till i moved him to a large kk. now hes doing great.
its all to some extent a matter of personal preference. if we were able to provide cages that were perfect and our t's were totally content we wouldnt need lids to keep them in there tanks. but then they would all be on the computer looking at porn all the time.
Wise words.

Brian S

Old Timer
May 29, 2004
You know, experience is not knowledge, only what you think is knowledge. Besides, take a look at science through the ages, and how wrong we have been about pretty much everything so far, and how many people we have killed for having another opinion.
If experience is not knowledge then what the hell is it??:? I was only trying to offer what I can guarantee will work but you and the "Expert" started all this trash talk. The "expert" has been keeping Ts since February of 2007 and all of a sudden he knows more than some of us thats been doing it for many years?:? Dude, Dont get me wrong as I am not an expert nor have I ever claimed to be but I can guarantee what I am doing works very well as I have raised many spiderlings to adulthood that way with no deaths (knock on wood)


Mar 26, 2007
In ground or above ground.

Im really struggling here. I started with an in ground pool. The Archetect and General Contractor told me however (after he finished the excavation) that trying make my Exo Terra 12x12x12 connect in a functional and asthetic way would almost double the price of this already several thousand dollar project. So he refilled the hole in the ground and has laid the concrete pad for an above ground.

The problem is I only have Brachypelmas... and to make this setup work Im going to have to switch to the taller 18 inch Exo Terra... even then the T will have to climp up about 4 feet of tubing... (The architect would kill me for calling it tubing... He calls it an Arachno Friendly Eco Ramp.) Well... Brachys aren't really arboreal. Will they be able to make it up the ramp to get to the pool?

Then there is the whole humidity issue... I mean this Arachno Friendly Eco Ramp conducts the humity from the pool into the environment... And what about Chlorine?

Anyway, any input would be much appreciated. I need to get this figured out asap. The city inspector is going to be out to sign off on the permit next week.

Oh one more thing... It took awhile but I finally got my B. Vagans to settle down enough to let me get his eight floaties on his legs. (The B. Emilia were all teasing him.) What is your experience with leaving these on? I want him to be able to freely access the pool but Im afraid of him getting into the pool without his floaties on... If I leave them on will it hinder his ability to molt?

Again... thanks in advance!


Old Timer
Jan 12, 2007
hey guys.. sorry to barge in but my thread is starting to heat up. :eek: i just wanted some opinions.. not a fight. newbies rely on your experiences and expertise. you guys know more about these stuff than us noobs. we need help. so if its possible lets keep the thread helpful.

so far you guys have been a big help. :D thanks brian. i took the advice on putting the slings on a dark area. though i provided it with a hide so that sometimes when he feels like he going in to his room he does use the hide. also kept the hide secure so that he wont be crushed... *missing legs are just sad*:( putting a hole in the substrate works well too. with some of my slings. water dish doesnt seem to fit my delicups. :wall:

-- my slings doesnt seem to like porn though... :?


Old Timer
Aug 4, 2005
hey guys.. sorry to barge in but my thread is starting to heat up. :eek: i just wanted some opinions.. not a fight. newbies rely on your experiences and expertise. you guys know more about these stuff than us noobs. we need help. so if its possible lets keep the thread helpful.

so far you guys have been a big help. :D thanks brian. i took the advice on putting the slings on a dark area. though i provided it with a hide so that sometimes when he feels like he going in to his room he does use the hide. also kept the hide secure so that he wont be crushed... *missing legs are just sad*:( putting a hole in the substrate works well too. with some of my slings. water dish doesnt seem to fit my delicups. :wall:

-- my slings doesnt seem to like porn though... :?
they are way to young for porn. they shouldnt be allowed to watch that stuff till they are sub-adults. besides they are way to small to push the keys down anyway.
sounds like your doing everything you can for them. just keep reading and asking questions. im sure you'll do great. i have had spiders in the past and then got interested in other things. then about 2 years ago i bought a rosea female and three months later i went to feed her and she had an eggsack. i knew nothing about this at all so i let her hatch them then removed her. from the time i seperated the slings till i got rid of most of them was about 3 months. i only lost 9 out of 198. one of which escaped and my cat found it first. they are alot tougher than you think.

Isaax Critterz

Active Member
May 4, 2022
i just give my G.pulchra sling the "Tarantula Cribs" artificial rock hide and well...she loves it! When i first got her i gave her a piece of cork i found outside ( i cleaned it of course) and she did...fine in it. She is currently in pre-molt and she buried her hide entrance in her jungle mix.


Dec 18, 2010
I made a hide for my adult A genic out of bark pieces in the front yard. My Stromatopelma calceatum sling gets a little piece of wood. Within hours of moving into a new enclosure, the S cal will start decorating the place. In essence, it creates it's own hide.


Sep 14, 2014
Wow -- old thread.

I always give even the tiniest sling a silk leaf or something for a hide. Just something they can burrow under....


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 31, 2012
Wow -- old thread.

I always give even the tiniest sling a silk leaf or something for a hide. Just something they can burrow under....
Old thread necromancer going on here.

I give my slings something similar but they usually dig their own burrows anyway.