help me find the breed of my tarantula


Feb 18, 2015
What's OBT
"What's OBT?" That's very amusing. You really are new, aren't you? OBT is the common name of Pterinochilus murinus. OBT is an acronym. Depending on who you ask, OBT either stands for "Orange Baboon Tarantula," or "Orange Bitey Thing." P. murinus is incredibly defensive and aggressive.

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Dec 25, 2014
Bradley, now seriously, while i agree with sdsnybny, it's hard for me to ID your MM Theraphosidae. The "lucky" part is that you live in England, and there's (at least) a lot of people in the hobby (but really a lot). People that can help you directly, "near" you.
I would bring the spider to some of those for have an accurate ID.


May 25, 2015
Sorry, I just didn't like how he acted, "I hate spiders" "it made me bleed" "what's obt" He sounds like a little child typing. He reminds me of a certain user...
Not sure if I was around for certain user you mention, but just fear makes people think and act differently. I know when I panic I feel similarly, probably talk similarly, to the broken up sentences.


Dec 29, 2015
Sorry, I just didn't like how he acted, "I hate spiders" "it made me bleed" "what's obt" He sounds like a little child typing. He reminds me of a certain user...
I'm pretty sure I know who you're referring to, but that's beside the point. Taking that frustration and putting it into a post isn't good for anyone, it'll just make you more upset and keep it on your mind. Holding onto anger is like drinking the poison and expecting the other person to die.


Oct 9, 2014
"I hate spiders" I don't know why but I chuckled a bit when i read that post, lol. Sorry you got bit man, you can be very glad it's a New World though, and not a Old World. A bite from an Old World will give you more than just a bleeding wound ;)

Don't hate on the poor guy though, they are unpredictable and do get stressed and scared with human interaction, thus why long tongs should be used for maintenance and feeding, and catch cups for rehousing :)

I really hope you are willing to take care of it, and are willing to keep it, though it might not live that long anymore as it is a mature male. Tarantulas and spiders in general are really fascinating and interesting creatures, and quite addictive I can assure. There's a lot of members here that started out in the hobby for the sole purpose of getting over their arachnophobia, that are now hooked with dozens of spiders which they just love. I too would like to see a picture of the enclosure the T is in currently, so we can help and advise you on proper husbandry and care so your little guy will live comfortably :)


Sep 16, 2015
I hate spiders
It made me bleed
Dude. If you don't really like spiders and it bit you, I would consider giving it to someone else. If you truly hate it, and only keep it because it has been passed down I would look for someone with some experience to take care of it. For the good of both you and the spider. Don't worry, it'd be in good hands if you chose to do this.

On the other hand, I agree with Lalberts, if you are willing to take on the tarantula, then do it. Read up a bit around this forum on basic tarantula care and you should be able to get started nicely! Perhaps you will start to take a liking to them!:happy:

If you plan to keep him. then welcome to the hobby!!!:embarrassed:
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Nov 26, 2015
Well at least he is trying to find out what species it is and how to care for it. But the "I hate spiders" thing is just to funny if you are stuck with a big one to care for :).

johnny quango

Old Timer
May 17, 2013
It looks to me like a mm G pulchra minus a few urticating hairs but I'm using my phone so I can't be 100%. I also would like to see the enclosure as the picture looks like it doesn't contain any substrate.

Don't worry about the bite it won't do you any harm apart from a little pain. If it is a G pulchra like a few of us think it's easy to care for

Bradley Rowbotham

Feb 15, 2016
I'm pretty sure I know who you're referring to, but that's beside the point. Taking that frustration and putting it into a post isn't good for anyone, it'll just make you more upset and keep it on your mind. Holding onto anger is like drinking the poison and expecting the other person to die.
What are you actually on about


Apr 30, 2014
Keep the T,Man. I imagine your Uncle would want you to,and would be happy for you to learn about them,and keep it safe.
One T isn't too difficult to keep up with,seriously. I didn't get into T's to fight a fear(as some do,and is a good strategy),but like Coldblood mentioned,a couple years in,nothing creeps/freaks me out anymore.
You got through one of the experiences most of us never endure,taking a bite,quite early on,and got through,no worries(as would be the case in MOST bites,I believe. Still don't want to take one,haha!).
If you DO get it ID'd as a MM G. pulchra(go to someone local,eyes-on)-find a Female,my Man,try to breed them,make some $. If your Uncle loved T's like most of us here,he'd surely love to have slings from his Baby out in the world!


Jan 12, 2016
@Bradley Rowbotham
All fun aside, what are you going to do? Are you keeping the spider? I'm sure if you don't want to,there are people in the uk who could take him. Don't expect to get money for it though.

If you keep it, it might be useful read some basic care tips on tarantula care. I'll start you off;
1. Put some substrate in the enclosure, about 5cm.
2. Give it a shallow waterdish (the lid of sime jars work fine)
3. Give it a hide. Half a flowerpot, a piece of corkbark
4. Don't handle it again. If you have to take it out the enclosure,use the catchcup method for rehousing spiders. If you type this in the YouTube search,you'll get videos on how that's done.
5. Leave it alone for a week. Since it has bitten you,it is probably stressed out.
6. Next week, you can try to feed it a cricket or roach. Mature males don't eat much though,if it doesn't eat,that's ok.

Keep us posted.