Hi friends I wonder if mantis ooth is strong in the cold.I know that ooth is strong in the cold.
But my country is very cold.
I want to import. This is the list creature.
Creobroter gemmatus
Creobroter nebulosa
Gongylus gongyllodes
Otomantis scudigera
Polyspilota sp. - F1 madagascar
Popa sp. - F1 madagascar
Pnigomantis mediconstricta
Prohierodula laticollis
Sphodromantis gastrica
Rhombodera megaera
Are these ooths healthy?
But my country is very cold.
I want to import. This is the list creature.
Creobroter gemmatus
Creobroter nebulosa
Gongylus gongyllodes
Otomantis scudigera
Polyspilota sp. - F1 madagascar
Popa sp. - F1 madagascar
Pnigomantis mediconstricta
Prohierodula laticollis
Sphodromantis gastrica
Rhombodera megaera
Are these ooths healthy?