Help! Egg Sac?


Apr 30, 2021
She finally came out today. Dragging her molt out of the sack. She is missing 3 legs on one side and the pedipalp on that side :( other than that she seems okay, definitely not a chonky. She is crawling around her enclosure now. Still has orange spots on her back. Here are some pics.
humidity was not high enough, poor thing. i hope she has another molt before maturity because that is a lot of limbs to lose and very stressful. id move her to a smaller space and be extra prudent with feeding her and watering her, use a qtip to make sure she drinks


Apr 29, 2022
humidity was not high enough, poor thing. i hope she has another molt before maturity because that is a lot of limbs to lose and very stressful. id move her to a smaller space and be extra prudent with feeding her and watering her, use a qtip to make sure she drinks
:( :( :( you have no idea, I feel horrible. I sprayed the enclosure daily to try and make sure it was humid. I will move her back to her small cube. I’ve been offering her water from a qtip. She did drink some off the side of her enclosure yesterday. Thanks again for your help.