

Old Timer
Feb 9, 2006
My 6th grade teacher had two she kept in a cage in the back of the room. They were hits with us kids. She used to use them as a reward: if you got the highest grade on a test, or something, you could keep one on your desk (with the pair of quill-proof gloves, of course) for an entire period.

I remember a smell, but not a bad one. It just kind of smelled like their food. Neither one ever bit anyone because they were very much socialized. When he relaxed and put his quills down, the male would walk up to whichever hand was gloveless and stick his nose under your fingers and shove them up really hard. Translation: PET ME NOW. {D


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
If you're still looking for info and a forum to learn more about Hedgies, try www.goosemoose.com and click on Hedgehogs section. There are some knowledgeable folks there, too. :)


Old Timer
Dec 15, 2003
Sorry for taking so long to reply about news about the hedgehog, The day before ThanksGiving I had bought a baby hedgehog male, Right now he is in a 20 gallon tank with a hedgehog wheel (no holes for feet to get stuck in) It has a timber rat made hideout, two glass bowls one for water and one for food, which I was told by the petstore I bought it from to feed it Baby ferret food, haven't tried giving it insects yet but I might soon, It seems perfectly healthy in all aspects of it. Feet in good condition along with ears, nose, teeth, eyes, and quils. So far best pet I have ever had, it has great temperment and no real issue with smell.

Thanks For All The Replies


* I will try to post pictures as soon as camera works


Old Timer
Dec 15, 2003
Terribly sorry for the massive delay... just figured out how to get some pictures on my monitor and decided to share them with you all,

*edit* also the first picture has a different hedgehog in it then the other three pictures below it, The first one is about the same age as the other but is unable to walk, while the other can run, why is that?


Old Timer
Nov 27, 2004
Congrats on your hedgie.

I have been keeping hedgies for about 3 years now, I currently have 2 of my own, and lost one a few weeks ago suddenly.I am a member/buddy on a hedgehog forum called Chins-n-quills.com . I highly recommened joining there- it contains some great information, and the members are very helpful.

I briefly read through other members posts. What kind of food is he on now? Someone suggested Iams cat food. Iams has been linked to liver problems in hedgehogs and I would not recommend it at all. As well, it contains mediocre ingredients and ethoxyquin (a preservative known linked to cancer). If you would like Id be more than happy to send you a complete write up on hedgehog nutrition.

In short you want a food that is low in fat (10-15%), and about 34% protien. Watch the ingredients and stay away from byproducts, and foods that contain alot of corn and other fillers. Also watch for BHA, BHT and ethoxyquin - these are preservatives that have been linked to cancer.

The larger the home the better. Substart can be fleece liners which are good for keeping track of any problems in regards to urine or feces. Dont use any material that has loops (like towels) where their feet can get stuck. Many people also use aspin shavings, or kiln dried pine. Dont use cedar. It has oils in it that are toxic to small animals and can cause respiratory problems.

A wheel is a must. It MUST have a solid running surface and be at least 12 inches in diameter. Comfort Wheels are good. Bucket wheels (those can be made at home) are also good- they last longer and are quieter.

Comfort Wheel- http://ec3.images-amazon.com/images/P/B0002AS94C.01-AQNNCQOPF4SX1._SCMZZZZZZZ_.jpg

Bucket Wheel-

The larger the cage the better. A 20 gallon tank for example is not a proper home at all. Cages can be made by connecting sterelite tubs together. Cages with plastic bottoms and wire tops also work well. There are also C&C cages (cubes and cloroplast).

Any levels you make in your cage have be to full enclosed as a fall from even a few inches can hurt a hedgie.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me :)

Have fun with your little one!


Old Timer
Dec 15, 2003
I currently keep my hedgehogs on aspin bedding, the one that is not good at walking drinks from a water bowl and has no ability to use a wheel, the other can use a wheel but isn't in a big enough tank to use it regularly. I feed them both baby ferret food which I've been told has the proper amount of protein and low fa, Thank you for your reply, I have seen the forum Chins-n-quills.com, however I feel that One forums is enough for now


Old Timer
Nov 27, 2004
I currently keep my hedgehogs on aspin bedding, the one that is not good at walking drinks from a water bowl and has no ability to use a wheel, the other can use a wheel but isn't in a big enough tank to use it regularly. I feed them both baby ferret food which I've been told has the proper amount of protein and low fa, Thank you for your reply, I have seen the forum Chins-n-quills.com, however I feel that One forums is enough for now
In my opinion ferret food is too high in fat for a hedgehog. Hedgehogs are prone to obeseity (especially if they arent able to run on their wheel nightly- or given free time outside of the cage daily. In the wild hedgehogs will cover MILES each night in search of food- therefore the wheel is especially important to provide them with needed exercise). Ferret food is higher in fat due to the higher metabolism of a ferret. This is why a cat food- usually a reduced calorie one, or a lite one at that, is recommended.

On a side note, some ferret food contains fish- which makes hedgie poops smell especially nasty!