Heating Issue (Help please)


Feb 19, 2011
I just got a new emp scorpion. I setup his 10lt tank really nice keeping it moist misting regularly. Heating is the only thing worrying me, because the temp inside the tank is almost always at 70. I had a heat pad on the side of the tank but this really sucked! I saw no change in the temp. So i put the pad on the bottom of one side of the tank. Its on the side hes burrowed in atm. I want to get a main source of heating for him but I'm not sure what works best. A infrared spot lamp or a Black light. I really wanna take the heat pad out from under the tank since emps burrow to escape from heat, But I have two burrowing spots for my emp and If he ever got too hot I would think he would move to the other side. If anyone can help me out I would really appreciate it cause having the pad under him makes me worried I'm slowly frying my emp.


Feb 5, 2011
I was told it was better to place the mat on the side of the tank in the back in most of the caresheet for my scorp. It seems to be working fine. his hid spot is on the opposite end of the critter keeper and from time to time he comes out to hug the wall for heat. Also i put something over the top of the cage to block some of the vent to keep the heat in since temps been lower here lately.