Ok, so this guy is my 4th T. I have read they're fast and aggressive and he's gone into his threat pose a couple of times in the 48 hours I've had him, but tonight...MY GOD!!! I opened the top of his cage and had some 10" foreceps with a super worm. I put it down in front of his face and apparently he had other ideas...up the forceps onto my hand and while I did take a quick step back, he had come up on my arm up to my elbow and was in his threat pose again. All this in what I swear was less than a quarter of a second. I walked to the kitchen to get the deli cup out of the cabinet and got him in there without further incident. I had respect for my T's before and now this one has gained a new level.
P.S. After all that, he refused the food!!! Jerk.
P.S. After all that, he refused the food!!! Jerk.