h.maculata vs OBT


Feb 17, 2011
Ive been looking into getting both. I know OBT are fast and mean, and Ive read the h.maculata are fast, but how mean are they? And out of the two, which would you suggest I get?
Thanks for all and any help.



Aug 6, 2010
Hey steve. How long u been in the hobby for? In my opionion both those species should be kept by and experenced keeper. Both those spiders r very fast n very defensive. Both pack quite a bite. They both have very strong venom n will make u extremely uncomfortable for quite some time. I have both of them. My obt is 5" . Shes a beast. Her name is crazy betty. And my h.Mac is still a sling prob at 2". Still quite young. But make no mistake. H Mac seems to be docile n motionless, but ill tell u they teleport. Mine gets to the other side of the tank in a split second! Take extreme care with both species. Dnt get bit, and enjoy them. They r both beautiful ts. Just to make a note for u. U do know that the h.mac is arboreal n the obt is semi arboreal. But they prefer to be on the ground. At least the ones i have owned where all in terrestrial setups.. good luck! Any other questio-s feel free to ask.


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2010
I got my obt and h Mac at the same time. Just thought I'd add that. Anyway my obt jumped into the water bowl when I was filling it up with a mister. Very very fast and defensive. my h Mac is much less defensive but still very defensive. Never seen her strike or take off running but her attack position is all reared up with fangs all the way out. I'd post a picture but im typing on my phone. Don't think that mine is a standard though. I feel I got a nicer one since she has never striked or run in my time owning her.

Bill S

Old Timer
Oct 2, 2006
Anyway my obt jumped into the water bowl when I was filling it up with a mister. Very very fast and defensive.
This is one of those few times when "aggressive" might be a better term than defensive. The OBT probably sensed the motion from the mister and pounced on what it thought was food. I've seen many of my spiders make that mistake. I take it as an indication that they're hungry, and follow up the spray with a cricket. They almost always pounce just as hungrily on the "real" cricket.

I have not yet kept H. maculata, so I won't offer advice there. But the spider that really started me on keeping a collection was an OBT, and I've been hooked on them since. Whether they make good beginner spiders depends pretty much on the background and personality of the beginner. They are very hardy, easy to keep spiders and very attractive.
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Feb 17, 2011
I dont plan on messing with either of the two. Just setting them up and leaving them alone. All im gona do is feed them and water them every so often.
But does anyone know which webs the least? I heard OBT's web ALOT. I have not found anything on h.maculata about webbing....



Feb 12, 2010
i have an h. mac that ive had for a while, hes gotten a little bit of an attitude as hes gotten bigger.. but hes more likely to run and hide then stand and fight when disturbed...

the new OBT sling i just got threat displayed so insane that he was laying on his back.. with his lil fangs bared


Old Timer
Apr 16, 2006
If you want something at least slightly active with interesting webbing with a bit more "stand your ground" attitude: P. murinus

If you want a beautiful tarantula that will create a webbed wall with a high chance of never seeing it again & hide from about everything: H. maculata.

Care for both is the same. Dry, toss a cricket in once a week, spritz every so often (I have successfully kept a bottle cap in with my H. mac. Could never get an OBT to not web one in so far that there was no hope of retrieval.)