H. maculata sling. Will it survive this?


Old Timer
Sep 23, 2005
Hi, my 0.5" maculata sling molted two days ago and today i found it in, what i believe, death curl. It was kinda dry, since the mite problems last week, but now all of the bastards are dead or atleast very small in numbers.
So i found it like that this morning. Trying to make it move by gently blowing towards it but it didn't move a lot. Then i've tried to make it move with one tiny thin stick. It moved but ... kinda weird. It didn't spread it's legs they were kinda stiff. I've soaked the substrate arround it and genlty forced it to move over the wet area. After 10 seconds it moved a bit and then stopped, but it's legs wasnst that curled up anymore. I've had to go to work and .. now i'm worried as hell will i find it death when i get back home :-((
I know they like it wet, and that i should keep humidity kind a high before and after the molt. So i dorpped 10 water drops a week before, but i didn't think it will dehydrate so fast after the molt :-(( I've should dropped some water after the molt, stupid stupid stupid, i thought it will make it till it's first post molt meal but ... i was wrong :-(
Anyone having problem like that with maculata before? I hope it will be fine but ... if it's not ....:8o


Old Timer
Jul 22, 2006
My maculata baby is doing great. He has enough substrate for a nice burrow however I do keep mine pretty dry with a water dish/bottle cap. Slings are tough though and you do loose some for no apparent reason. Good luck and post a pic if you can so we can see what you are talking about. Good luck



Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
as long as it is still twitching there is a pretty decent chance you can save it

i have brought t's back from death curls a number of times. when they are shipped i have gotten t's in bad bad shape and brought them back. you can't save them all, but you can save a surprising percentage.

try to keep dropping a drop of water on the t's mouth. to do this you need to flip it on it's back to give you access. when the drop disappears then put another one down. once you do this enough to let them walk around a tiny bit you can put a very shallow drinking bowl in their cage and sort of place them face down in the bowl. be careful not to put their abdomen in the water as that is where their breathing openings are. incidentily, that is why you can just dunk their face underwater and walk away. as long as their booklung openings in the underside of their butt aren't covered by water they can breathe :)

P. Novak

Old Timer
Sep 12, 2005
With it being such a small sling, it will be difficult to actually help it. All you can do is make sure it has access to water by keeping the substrate and sides of the container moist, which is what your already doing, and keep it in a dark spot undisturbed. That's all that can really be done without stressing or injuring the T further more. I wish you the best of luck!


Old Timer
May 22, 2005
After only a week, your mites aren't all dead. They've burrowed into the substrate where it's damper and if you moisten now you might see an explosion of numbers as they all rush the surface for water. I'd dump the substrate and change it out completely, and in the meantime put the H. mac sling in ICU. These guys are hardy. You might be able to bring him out of it.


Old Timer
Sep 23, 2005
thank you guys, it's okay now:razz:
it's back in its burrow and willing to fight the stick, heeheheheh. And fast as hell :))))) No more death curl, no more stiff legs :)))) I think i cought it in time this time :))))) Or it was just me but ... it wasn't move as it's supposed to move. Thanks God it's back and kicking :)))))
As for the mites, there were no mites in maculata box, but i've decided to keep it dry just in case. I've had no choice but to soak its substrate. I've had to go to work and had to do something fast, i think i've done the right thing:) There are a lot of holes so it will dry up pretty fast i guess :)
And ... i've got a Nhandu coloratovillosus as a gift today. I guess the day wasn't so bad at the end :))) Now i've got 13 tarantulas :)))


Old Timer
Sep 23, 2005
My maculata baby is doing great. He has enough substrate for a nice burrow however I do keep mine pretty dry with a water dish/bottle cap. Slings are tough though and you do loose some for no apparent reason. Good luck and post a pic if you can so we can see what you are talking about. Good luck

I'm glad your maculata is doing great, they are incredible , as all tarantulas, atleast for me :)) heheh
I've had no time to take a picture but it was like a small, grey ball, with its legs close to its body, curled and ... it was soooo lethargic. It barelly moved. But thanks God now its okay, with its legs showing off its burrow :))) Like it's supposed to be in a "sudden death for a cricket" pose :))))
As for the bottle cap .. the box where i'm keeping it is just tooo small for any type of water containers.The sling is a little above 1 cm in legspan and ... i think it's not just ready for any type of water dish or a bottle cap :)


Old Timer
Jul 22, 2006
Glad your sling came back from it’s coma!!!{D

Mines larger than yours I think he is between 1 and 2 inches. Just fed everybody and he gave me a good show taking down a good size cricket and pulling it back down in to the depths of his burrow. I want to get a bunch more of these I really like them a lot.

Here is a pic….not that you asked for one or anything but I like showing off my bugs :cool: haha



Old Timer
Sep 23, 2005
hehehe, "she"'s a cutie :))) I hope mine will get bigger enough in the near future, so i can move it out from the ugly plastic box and put it in something that has more room for decorations :)))
Mine has a cricket yesterday, and now it's hiding in it's burrow:)) I think everything is back to normal :))


Old Timer
Apr 15, 2007
congrats for the recovery of your T, the H. maculata are a relly nice T's such as all the species.