Gypsy Cola's and SO pic thread

gypsy cola

Jan 16, 2014

My girl and I were rehousing and watering our spiders, figured it's time to present most of our collection. Some spiders are missing because those buttholes were too cool to leave the burrow.

We hope you all enjoy

this is her first spider. Her name is Chasity. G. rosea


I cannot tell if this spider is a LP or LD. Got a few of this mixed up while they were slings. Only have two now but still no clue which one it is.

B. vagans

The other spider I cannot tell if it is a LD or LP. I'm posting two of this spider

Here is G. pulchripes that pretty the lady has edited

G. pulchripes barring it's fangs

B. smithi

pretty pretty pretty p.metallica

A. diversipes

My special lady holding her A. seemani BCF

B. albopilosum, I use to think these were the ugliest spiders can get. This photo does no justice, these guys are handsome and fun. I missed out while silently judging for 5 years
