GTP Ovulation Pics


Old Timer
Aug 20, 2009
Good Luck!

She looks like a Beaute! Is she turning Bluer since Pic ?

Is she Wamena ?


Old Timer
Oct 31, 2005
Jason - She is a F1 Aru type. That pic was taken last weekend she hasnt changed her coloration since from what i see. Crappy cell phone pic i know, all i have right now.

The swelling never whent down, which it would have if she was indeed ovulating. So i am expecting eggs soon. I introduced her into the nest box Sunday evening and placed it in her cage, she has yet to leave and looks rather content at remaining coiled in the middle of it. She did this to me last time as well, Im just keeping my fingers crossed that I can get my incubator set-up and running steady proper temps before she drops.

Im going to try manual incubation from the start this time. Her first clutch i left with her as i was wanting to see her wrapped around a bunch of hatching eggs. About two weeks in a few eggs on the bottom turned into 'wet slugs' and they looked to be causing a chain reaction so I fired up the incubator and pulled the clutch for manual incubation. I dont think the incubator had time to reach stability and there may have been some internal temp fluctuations that killed the embryos in the remaining eggs. The incubator is now encased in 1.5" Foam Board and inside a custom made cabinet. I will be letting it running for a week before i put any eggs in there this time!

Learning from my mistakes;)


Old Timer
Aug 20, 2009
Jason - She is a F1 Aru type.

Learning from my mistakes;)
She is a Beaute! I don't need better Pix to notice :D

I miss my Aru X Wemena :(:(:( Maybe if you are so Lucky, I'll buy one in the Spring after some meals and it warms up ;)

LMK when the T's are ready to be en-route, and you'll get one of my last shipments for the Year {heat-pax/boxes ready} - suitable Female mate to be picked-up on Sunday in nearby county to me :}:}:}

Talk soon....and GL w/ the Chondro's bud :clap: - Jason

P.S. I am still Learning from mine too *wink-wink*