got a question about a species


Old Timer
May 17, 2007
what do you all think about Tapinauchenius purpureus I was serching through the galleries and i saw someone had this realy cool looking spider but what do you all know about it, are they similar in behavior as my cyrio-sp,blue
or are they diff.

im thinking about adding 1 more (of course it dosent stop there im addicted now...arrggg) is this sp. expensive to keep?

also what do you all think about the Xenethis Immanis i know someone on here has got one but from what i have read this is a hard sp. to keep as far as temp, humidity


Old Timer
Mar 14, 2007
I have a couple of Taps. It was recommended that they be kept as most Avics-decent humidity, arboreal and good air flow. So far they appear to be a little more reclusive than my Avics and hide in their tube webs. They are pretty cool little T's. Can't help with the other. Too expensive for me right now but they are certainly beautiful. I guess it all depends on how much you care to inves in a single T. I can buy several nice less than common T's for the cost of a single Xenethis. I hope I have enough time left on this earth to wait for the costs of Xenethis and P. metallica's to drop. :) Di


Old Timer
Oct 4, 2005
From what I've heard, Taps are among the fastest moving T's in the pet trade, which is why I don't have one, I don't feel I'm ready. My plan in order is pokies, then an H. maculata, then some Taps. I have the pokies and am planning on an H. mac for Xmas.
I don't know anything about X immanis care, what I do know about is X. immanis price, which is a lot!!! That and both Taps and immanis are defensive T's.
Depending on what you have experience with already, you may want to go in a different direction first, then work your way to them.


Old Timer
Mar 14, 2007
Mina is certainly correct about fast! Fang on venom list says to not even breathe when you have the container open or they're GONE! LOL Di


Old Timer
Apr 1, 2006
Taps are awesome species, and yes, very fast. But they aren't all that hard to work with, as long as you stay calm. I mean, last time I had runaway it was a plumipes, that ran out, across my hand, and back in.

Always remember, spiderlings NEED moisture. They will die quickly without it.

Xenesthis never had a problem keeping. They aren't really anything special IMO. Just look cool.



Old Timer
Apr 6, 2005
what do you all think about Tapinauchenius purpureus I was serching through the galleries and i saw someone had this realy cool looking spider but what do you all know about it, are they similar in behavior as my cyrio-sp,blue
or are they diff.
Here's what I know reguarding the Tapinauchenius purpureus:

1: They are fast
2: They need high humidity 65% or higher (A waterdish and misting the enclosure 1-2 times a week should help) with good ventilation (to help avoid mold growth)
3: A hide is a must (decreases the chances of escape)
4: They eat pretty close to anything offered to them.

The cyrio-sp,blue has similiar habits and behaviours but, are totally different species.

im thinking about adding 1 more (of course it dosent stop there im addicted now...arrggg) is this sp. expensive to keep?
It costs just as much to keep this species as a curly haired tarantula IMO.

also what do you all think about the Xenethis Immanis i know someone on here has got one but from what i have read this is a hard sp. to keep as far as temp, humidity
This species is my absolute favorite species of them all. IME they require higher humidity and do really well at room temperature. They are very hardy IMO and eat whatever is offered to them. This is also a skittish species that can be fast too.



Old Timer
Jan 5, 2007
I have a couple of Xenethis Immanis as well as a Xenethis Intermedia.
This by far my favorite species. I keep mine at room temp, I also give them a little larger water dish, and mist about twice a week.
They can be very spastic at times, but they don't seem to climb the sides too much when they are.
My biggest one (about 4 ") goes crazy when i feed, if she misses the cricket when it's droped she zooms around the cage frantically looking for it, then when she catches it, calmly walks back to her hide to eat. it's really funny.