Hello there i am going to do a report in my bio class, so i was hoping you guys could tell me some good books for Invertebrates mostly Ts. thanks for your time ~luv yuki
I think one of the most informative books I have read on T's would have to be The Tarantula Keeper's Guide by Stanley A. Schultz and Marguerite J. Shultz. They cover all different aspects of the tarantulas anatomy, mating habits, life span, habitat, etc. Just my opinion.
You could check the book report section on this one for inspiration. Besides that I'd also recommend the above book or Marshall: Tarantulas and other arachnids. The latter isn't as informative, just covers the basics but it has lots of very nice pictures.
hi i have /1 the guide to owning a tarantula - jerry g. walls / 2 - tarantulas and other arachnids - barron's / 3 the complete encyclopedia of TERRARIUM very good for ( T ) - eugene bruins - hope this helps ---- phil
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