Golden Trapdoor Spider

Redip Spider

Old Timer
Aug 10, 2005
Hi, I recently obtained a "golden trapdoor spider" and have a few questions. I apologize if these have been answered elsewhere. I did a search and didn't find anything relevant.

About a month ago I bought a "golden trapdoor spider" from my local pet shop. I've done a little searching for it's scientific name, but couldn't find anything specific to the golden trapdoor spider. Anyone have any ideas?

And how should I keep it as far as substrate depth, and moisture, etc? It's in the same container I bought it in - about a 3" cylinder with about 4" of sand. I was thinking of moving it into a larger container with more room to dig. Is this necessary?

There was no water dish in there when I bought it, but I put a bottle cap in there. I often seen the spider outside it's burrow, and it's usually sitting in the water dish. I don't know if it's drinking, or just goofing around with the water or what, but it's substrate has become fairly damp and I've become wary of giving it too much more water. Any suggestions?

Any other general care would be appreciated as well. I'm fairly experienced with Tarantulas but this is my first trapdoor. Thanks.


Old Timer
Sep 23, 2005
I also have recently bought a golden trap door, I've had it for about a month and keep it in a clear tupperware conatiner with that is about 7 inches tall and 6 inches in diameter.I put about 4 inches of coconut fiber.Its not real damp, just slightly.I don't think they a lot of moisture , just enough to keep it humid. Mine dug straight down to the bottom of the contaner,and then dug a tunnel all the way around the bottom.It hasn't come out since it dug its burrow lol.But I can see it as the tunnels are against the side of the container.
You'll want to change out the sand for either peat moss, coconut fiber, or potting soil as it won't be able to dig in the sand. As for its venom, Ive heard that it is pretty potent, more so than most tarantulas.

I've had a hard time finding very much info on these golden trap doors too, although there is alittle more information out there for the red trapdoors, and the black trapdoors which have similar requirements.