Giant Order-Check out these Freebies!


Old Timer
May 31, 2010
Ok, so I just made a large order (review coming as the transaction is not completed week it should be done) and wanted to express my excitement!!

So as part of my order, I got in the mail today 1 Mature Female A versicolor, already mated, 1 mature male versi (question on the size...are the males much smaller than the females, and do they hook out? He's small compared to the female, but I haven't housed him yet and haven't seen if there are hooks);

with 2 Mature GBB females (Not green or blue! Just a red this common?),

2 mature/large G pulchra females and 1 pen male pulchra, 1 juvie male pulchra, 1 3" female P irminia (Awesome! first Psalmo)

I'll be getting at least 2 more gbbs next week as well as part of the order.

Now for the cool part: Freebies included 2 A versicolors! One is a juvie female (seller claims already mated) and the other is a smaller male. I also got a G pulchra sling to boot.

Pretty Gotta love the huge packages.