can i do that im tryng to breed each of em and i have some gerbils in a 75 gal fish tank and my teachers fancy mice are about to have another litter i was goin to throw a male and a female in with the gerbils. possible?
Wait - I took that to mean that you wanted to breed them. But did you mean just keep them together in the same enclosure? I am not sure about that, I don't think it would work.
gerbils fight like pitbulls among themselves. How do you think they'd take to another species? not well. They'd probably end up killing the litter along with the adults.
thanks everyone i put completely remodeled there house and they wernt as scard as i tohught they would be and they explored everything new i was puting in as i was putting it in lol these guys are pretty cool pets and thats comin from someone who keeps piranhas, tarantulas, snakes and cents and others lol
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