Galeodes granti ???

Arachnokid 93

Old Timer
Aug 18, 2006
Hello all,

I have been looking to get a solfugid but there is not a lot of info on the internet and i need to know more about them. I want to know how much they eat and what most pepole feed them will crickets do or willl I need mice. from what i can see Galeodes granti looks like fun but on site says how big this one will get. I need to know one more thing how fast are they ?
Well I gess that will do it

Thanks for any post you make
Arachnokid 93


Arachno WIDOW
Old Timer
Jan 25, 2007
solpugids are fun. great fun. they are the most aggressive little creature i've ever seen. (worse than H lividums, etc!) :eek: they are eating machines and will eat anything and everything you throw in its way. you will never satisfy it. BUT, the only thing i will say about it is (after owning, oh say, prob a thousand of them) is they don't last very long from juvenile to adult. only about a year (longest i had one was for 6-8 months before she produced eggs and died shortly after). they are extremely fun, but i would be careful about buying some. DO YOUR RESEARCH. find out which ones live longer and you'll be fine.
But on the feeding note, just watch their abdomen size. typically feed once a day (prey that is same size or smaller). i have fed mine anything that comes to hand including: a HUGE black widow, a 1" hornet, other nasty things and they do just fine. seem immune to hornet venom by the way... :eek:
have fun if you get one!!! let me know what you get. :D


Arachno WIDOW
Old Timer
Jan 25, 2007
well, the one's you're thinking about getting might be longer, but the ones in N.A. are short-lived. even the Galeodes granti would prob be fairly short-lived. thats my guess looking at their relatives and looking at their fast-paced lifestyles.

this website says 1-1.5 yrs lifespan:

this website says rarely over 1 year: History.htm

My personal experience with many:
about 6-12 months for a good one

my final suggestion: just find some outside where you live and keep those!! unless you want to pay a bunch of money for one from Egypt that won't live long and might die soon. but if you do get one, SEND ME A PICTURE!!! they are so sweet!:worship: