G. aureostriatum not eating... 7 months!


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2005
So my G. aureostriatum has not eaten in at least 6-7 months. It still looks quite plump and moves around like normal, but i just think its odd that it has went that long without eating and still no molt? It looks like it "could" molt soon, but its looked like that for a couple months now at least. Whats going on here? Just a little background on it and its environment...
Size- 4"
Containment- Large KK
Substrate- Coco fiber kept dry

Its water dish is filled at least once a week, which is pointless cause it just flips the dish over and throws substrate on top of it.
I offer it crickets probably once every 2 weeks or so.



Old Timer
Jun 29, 2007
We have similar problems, I have a 2plus inch A avi which 2 months ago was sporting a HUGE bottom and stopped eating so i was expcecting a molt, well so far no molt. Prior to his food break, he would eat everything I put in his KK b4 it hit the ground. Yesterday I tried handing him a crix, and he turned and went to the bottom of his tube web.

Now I noticed that his abdomen has shrunk a little bit. Oh well gotta wait for a molt or for him to decide to eat again.:?


Old Timer
May 2, 2005
So my G. aureostriatum has not eaten in at least 6-7 months. It still looks quite plump and moves around like normal, but i just think its odd that it has went that long without eating and still no molt? It looks like it "could" molt soon, but its looked like that for a couple months now at least. Whats going on here? Just a little background on it and its environment...
Size- 4"
Containment- Large KK
Substrate- Coco fiber kept dry

Its water dish is filled at least once a week, which is pointless cause it just flips the dish over and throws substrate on top of it.
I offer it crickets probably once every 2 weeks or so.


Grammastola's are known for hunger strikes. I have rosea's that haven't eaten in close to a year. As long as the abdomen is not shrinking and there is ample water for it to drink, it should be fine. Continue offering food and just wait it out.